Southie state rep will face primary opposition next year
Michael McGee, a South Boston lawyer and neighborhood activist, says he'll be taking on incumbent state Rep. Brian Wallace for the Democratic nomination next fall in the 4th Suffolk district, which covers South Boston, Uphams Corner and Harbor Point. In a press release, he says:
My local activism has taught me that much can be accomplished if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and go to work. That is what I have been doing for our neighborhood for years as a volunteer--organizing neighbors, pressuring elected officials, planting trees, raising money, mentoring kids--all to make our neighborhood better for all of us. As your State Representative, I'll work just as hard as the advocate for our community.
McGee's Twitter feed
Wallace's Facebook page
McGee's complete statement:
I am running for State Representative for the Fourth District of Suffolk County. I am excited about the opportunity to represent you, to work alongside you, and to work for you in our neighborhood and on Beacon Hill. I love our neighborhood and I can also see its potential for being even better than it is today. We face real challenges in our neighborhood and I want to be an advocate for our concerns on Beacon Hill. Over the next few months, I will be out in the neighborhood of South Boston, Harbor Point, and Upham's Corner. I will meet many of you and I am looking forward to hearing your concerns and ideas.I live on East Broadway in South Boston. I am a graduate of Boston College High School, Trinity College, and New England School of Law. I am an attorney at Morrison Mahoney LLP on Summer Street in South Boston. I am a neighborhood activist and proud volunteer, working with groups such as the South Boston Neighborhood House, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the Paraclete Foundation, the West Broadway Neighborhood Association, the South Boston Arts & Cultural Center, a West Broadway Revitalization group, South Boston Grows, and most recently as a coach in our South Boston Youth Football program. I am a Democrat and I proudly represented Ward 6 at the Democratic State Convention. My local activism has taught me that much can be accomplished if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and go to work. That is what I have been doing for our neighborhood for years as a volunteer--organizing neighbors, pressuring elected officials, planting trees, raising money, mentoring kids--all to make our neighborhood better for all of us. As your State Representative, I'll work just as hard as the advocate for our community.
Whether you have lived in South Boston or Dorchester your whole life, or you just moved here in the past few years, we all have a stake in our neighborhood. We all share the same concerns. We want excellent schools to send our kids to right here in the neighborhood, a lively and growing local economy, good public transportation, and safe and clean streets. Our shared concerns will be my priorities.
I look forward to the campaign and to talking to you more about the issues that face us all.Thank you.
This is how it's supposed to be done?
Congratulations to Mr McGee.
Related, Brad Marston has announced a run for the State Representative seat currently held by Marty Walz. It covers parts of the Back Bay, Beacon Hill, West End, and parts of Cambridge. His twitter feed is
Announcing state rep candidacy an entire year before the election? Is that how it's done??
I'm going to take a bold leap
And announce I will not be running for state rep. in the 2014 elections.
Hey at least people will
Hey at least people will have heard of you!!
Why do these people think they can beat popular and rooted incumbents? It boggles my mind why people set themselves up for a year of torture, only to receive 20 percent of the vote.
I don't buy into the "I'm giving a voice to those who otherwise wouldn't be heard!!" excuse either. Does anyone from East Boston/North End/Charlestown really feel like their voice now screams louder because Chris Kulikowski received 20 percent?
This dude will be lucky if he comes that close.
Brian Wallace has been a
Brian Wallace has been a civic leader in South Boston longer than this kid's been alive. He's been there through thick and thin. When the community's youth were facing some of its toughest times, Brian and the rest of the SB delegation really stepped up. Not sure what some transplant from the suburbs can offer. Further Brian Wallace is as attentive to new residents as he is to old residents. He's doing a fine job in my estimation.
Your dismissive tone says it all.
Personally, I wince when this guy opens his mouth. He's nowhere to be found on the quality of life issues that affect the vast majority of his constituents (transit, development, schools, the environment). He voted for the sales tax increase when it was close enough to matter. He's at the vanguard of protecting the hack perogatives like legislative per diems and Bunker Hill Day. Finally, not to wave the bloody shirt, but this is someone who endorsed George W. Bush in 2004. Sorry, I would like to try someone new.
True, that ...
Yeah, Brian Wallace is old.
One thing in his favor (for me, at least): he did an about-face and voted for
gay marriagemarriage equality, back in 2004. That took balls.Hey anon...I'm a life long
Hey anon...I'm a life long Southie Resident. I'm for Michael McGee. He's a wonderful individual who cares greatly for the South Boston/Dorchester Community. I've worked with him in the Michael Flaherty Campaign and was at awe with his committment. If he brings that same drive to the Fourth Suffolk District he will be quite a Representitive! Go Mike!
Brian Wallace
Popular? Is it your contention that Brain Wallace is Popular? Are you sure you live in the South Boston/Dor. Community?
How it's done?
I certainly think that is how it is done. A candidate can't start raising money until they file with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance. Once they do, the incumbent knows they have an opponent (In my case it took about an hour.) Every donor I get before the end of the year is someone I can ask for help again next year. In state races it is by calendar year as opposed to pre and post primary.
On of my challenges is generating name recognition across the district and the extra time helps.
Thanks for dropping in the link to my Twitter feed. The campaign is on Facebook and my campaign website is
...showed a lot when organizing for Michael Flahertys run for Mayor. He ran Ward 6 for Michael and his effort and work was greatly appreciated by Flahertys camp. At the same time, Brian Wallace did his best to stay out of the fray and did little to help Michael in his attempt. It was noticed by more then a few people in and around the campaign. While Wallace's heart has never been questioned......his effort and willingness to do the work has. Hope McGee brings the same work ethic that he has to community activism and the Mayoral campaign. If he does....he may do better then many anticipate.
Nobody knows him
Its one thing to volunteer for a campaign and its another thing to knock off a well known incumbent. I'm sure the Flaherty camp appreciated his help but if you think any of them are going to support this kid over Wallace, you're gonzo.
Nobody Knows Him
You are correct nobody knows Brian Wallace. Ask anyone who their state rep is and they will respond with a blank. No one knows Brian - he is a good guy, but we need real representation on Beacon Hill.
Southie is over 50% new residents and they voted in mass last year. They will come out again when a person like McGee shows he will represent all of South Boston instead of just the lifers! People are apathetic to Southie politicians because either they lost their way, lost their nerve or lost their work ethic. McGee will bring the respect back to Southie and lead the city and state in 2010 and beyond.
BTW - Wallace did squat for Flaherty.
There is an appetite for
There is an appetite for young, progressive leadership in our city and the days of "wait-your-turn" politics in Boston are certainly numbered. McGee's candidacy for state rep is very welcomed news and hopefully more young people throughout the city are encouraged to follow his lead. Beacon Hill is hurting for some fresh ideas and new approaches to solving our problems. McGee 2010!
I went to college with Mike and he is one of the greatest, hardest-working, smartest and thoughtful guys you will ever meet. He is charismatic and he just raves about having the opportunity to make a difference in his community. This kid will work tirelessly to make the community a better place. I've visited Mike in his neighborhood on a number of occasions over the past few years and I loved it, and he constantly talks about how great it is.
I live on Long Island where "wait your turn" politics is firmly entrenched and you never get the chance to vote for someone new who you think might actually be better than the candidate chosen by the party machines, as they are far too strong and discourage this from happening. I would love the opportunity to have more options other than the 2 people that the two main party machines throw at us every year.
Running Southie for Flaherty
Congratulations he ran Southie for Flaherty!
Can we see what the guy who ran Readville for Menino is up to?
Being a neighborhood coordinator for a mayoral candidate's hometown doesn't prove to me this guy is capable of mobilizing an electorate.
Brian Wallace does in fact have balls. He is one of the only Boston politicians that truly does not toe the party line or submit to the Menino machine. I am all for progressive ideas, but I'd rather have an experienced and respected maverick-like incumbent who has represented the citizens of Southie residents for HIS ENTIRE LIFE, than some dude from Norwood who probably doesn't even know where Perkins Square is.
Why are you people obsessed with "progressive, new" candidates? Just because someone is young and a non-incumbent definitely does not mean you are progressive or knowledgeable of a given neighborhood (See: Pressley, Ayanna). If you are truly committed to progressive ideas you're best bet is trying to influence the guys that are already in there rather than voting in a 30-something state rep who won't have any influence for 10 years.
Michael McGee
Hey Boston Drew...I would suggest you tone down your rhetoric a bit. I've been out and about in Southie conducting a Nomimation Drive for Mike McGee. There is a very real feeling of apathy with respect to Brian Wallace. Most people were more than happy to sign for Mike. A lot of them complain about Wallaces attendance and his general lack of representation. You mentioned "Machine Politics" and how Brian Wallace doesn't "submit to the Menino Machine". Funny thing is all of the entrenched Pols i.e. Jack Hart, Steve Lynch, Billy Linehan and their minions are supporting Brian. It's time people stood up to these layabouts and voted in someone who actually cares about his Community. As for you Andrew...I hope you don't still have Political aspirations because this is one person(me) who won't be helping you. As a matter of fact I will do all I can to hurt you. As for the people in here who don't know who "Bostondrew" is, it's Andrew Kenneally who came in Sixth in the race for Boston City Council in 09. Oh, and did I mention that he lives in East Boston? Hey Andrew, I know people like you. You aren't pushing Brian Wallace for no reason. I'm sure a promise has been made to you. If you care so much about South Boston why did you choose Eastie to live. Oh, I know...You needed a more "Bostonian" location to run for City Council. Lot's of good that did huh? Speaking of kneeling down to kiss the feet of Mumbles, didn't you support him for Mayor? Your buddy Brian Wallace has a 30% voting record. That means he's been ABSENT 70% of the time on votes. You weren't electable in West Roxbury, you didn't make the cut for City Council out of East Boston, now your trying to sell us something in Southie?! Get lost you phony!
Hey "Bostondrew"...and what
Hey "Bostondrew"...and what makes you think some Elected Officials Puppet will be a better Candidate? Oh, I get it...becuase he's "from Soutie"?! Your contention is comical at best.
Around here we honor a little think called loyalty.
As someone who supported Michael Flaherty, I think its a shame McGee would run against the only public official that stood up for Flaherty. The Mayor canceled a fundraiser that a local union was hosting for Brian because he supported Mike? Brian's courage to stand up for Mike showed great courage.
I don't know much about McGee, but my advice would be congrats on working on the election. I am sure you worked hard over for many months. But campaigning doesn't take the place of working in the community and Brian Wallace has been working in the community his whole life.
Brian Who?
So Brian Wallace was showing his support for Michael Flaherty? Funny, I never even heard his name mentioned let alone ever saw him. Just another politician afraid of the Mayor. We won't have that in Mike McGee. It's a shame so many people vote for someone just because the name has been around for so long. Go Mike!
Really???? Are you serious????
Really???? Are you serious???? I saw him at the Cornerstone for Michael's kick-off... I saw him at the St. Paddy's Day breakfast say out load and while looking at the Mayor that he was supporting Flaherty because "we need a change." How much more public to you get than that? Everywhere he went he told people. I don't know who you are, but you sound ignorant... since you probably don't know what that word means, let me give you the definition:
Ignorance; state in which one lacks knowledge, is unaware of something or chooses to subjectively ignore information.
If Brian wasn't around, why didn't Mike Flaherty endorse Mike McGee? Again your ignorant!
Tommy the Oxy-Man
Hey Tommy...Ignorance can be applied to your inability to spell the word LOUD!!! Not "Load" you ignorant Hack!
Hey "Mike Flaherty
Hey "Mike Flaherty Supporter"...Loyalty is serving the Constituents that elect you. Which, by the way, Brian isn't!!!
Brian Wallace
Thanks Brian for your many years of dedication to the Southie community.I hope everyone can appreciate your tireless work not just as a state rep, but everything you have always done from day 1.Good luck with your writing and hope you nail down a lucrative screenplay deal. I know you will continue to be active doing all the good things you have always done for us .Those of us who know you and appreciate you will always be there with our support .
I love Southie!!!!!
This article was written 5 months ago and you guys are still using its message boards to annonymously attack each other. Nothing like a campaign in Southie in the 21st century.....everyone kills each other on-line and then waves hello at Sullys. Flahertys crew has mastered this (to no victorious end). This campaign is gonna be great. South Boston, Eating its Own Since Al Gore Invented the Internet!!!!