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Carlos Arredondo's memorial at the JP monument
By adamg on Tue, 04/23/2013 - 8:57am
As he did after the Newtown shootings, Carlos Arredondo has helped turn the Soldier's Monument into a memorial this time to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings - one of whom he helped keep alive.
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Ut oh, he used crosses again!
Get ready for people to freak out like on the post about his Newtown Memorial. By the way I hope you all took a moment to freak out about the crosses at the memorial on Boylston, too.
Very heartfelt gesture from a sensitive man. Someone needs to give this guy a hug.
Freak out
They can't help but freak out, I think they view it as a sign of intelligence in some odd way.
Almost like a game, can I be the first one to point out something may somehow be offensive to someone else? Even if it has no bearing on my own life whatsoever?
Its like art, mostly subjective? What someone may view as art, someone else may not. It just takes one person to call it art, and then it is.
Same as finding something offensive, it just takes one person to call it offensive.
Anyway, to each his own I suppose.
Smug and superior
So basically anon commenters are coming here to pre-dismiss people who object to religious symbols on public property by essentially casting objectors as smug and having a false sense of superiority, yet the anon commenters dismiss critics in a fashion that is smug and with a feeling of superiority.
Smug, holier-than-thou arguments are invalid, unless it is an opinion that I agree with! My superiority is demonstrated by my lack of being offended.
Interesting tactic.
They lost their way
The Herald Comment Sections are over there ----->>>>>>>>>
"Straw" misspelled in step 2.
"Straw" misspelled in step 2. Very cute, nonetheless. Obviously created by a highly intelligent individual.
Go ahead, dismiss me as a conservative because I have a different opinion. Its fine.
This is not about religion. This is not about politics. Its about a kind gesture by a stranger to remember victims of a senseless act.
Everywhere I see messages preaching love, peace, understanding and coexisting. Its the right idea, but sometimes I think people just lose sight of the underlying message. I think its kind of sad, thats all.
Yes, its religious imagery on public property. Yes, some victims do not subscribe to that particular ideology. I understand all of that, really, I do.
But deep down, are you honestly and truly offended by such? I just don't understand.
Style not substance
Talk about putting words in my mouth; instead of tacking away from the straw man argument, you run directly towards it. Where did I make an assumption about your political leanings?
I made no comment on the substance or validity of your opinion, it was an observation about the rhetorical style used by you and the other anon.
Yeah, agreed
It's a typical far-right-wing "debate" tactic to shoot down any mention of bias or inequalities by saying that people who note that such things are present are "overly-PC" or "unpatriotic" or "ungrateful."
Mr. Arredondo's gestures are well-intentioned, and he's definitely a valued member of our community who I wish more people would emulate. Also, it would have been better if he had considered that the Christian cross is not in fact a universal symbol and it would have been more sensitive to use a different symbol when memorializing people who are not all Christian in a public space in a community of many faiths.
I'm proud Carlos Arredondo is from Boston.
I'd like to meet him and thank him for being a mensch. In the spirit of Big Papi I'll say:
Normandy American Cemetery
Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
...what about it?
Just an observation
Just an observation, but constructing a cross is MUCH easier than a star of david or a crescent moon.
and a hell of a human being. Takes a lot of Cojones to keep your composure and, without any training, literally hold a mans artery shut so he doesn’t bleed to death. Jeff, the victim, then went on to ID the suspects, which flushed them out.
Hollywood better pay these guys and the rest of the victims, because this is a story that just wrote itself over the course of 5 days. If I wasn’t here to witness it, I’d ask what movie someone ripped it off from.
How is he doing?
Yes, he is a hero. Yes, he saved a man, all because he was there to honor the memory of his own sons and rushed in to help.
But ... my God that had to be horrifically traumatic!
Here's a petition to award
Here's a petition to award him the Presidental Citizens Medal: