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Fat and sassy on the steps of Southie
By adamg on Tue, 05/07/2013 - 11:44pm
Alison Rush spotted this plump possum on the steps of her apartment building this evening.
They like to hang out in crawl spaces under stairs. He's just roaming around looking for food. They always look so ancient and prehistoric to me.
He is HUGE!
That has to be the biggest opposum I've ever seen!
BTW, adam, it's opposum (Americas), not possum (Oceania). They're different creatures. The more you know! :)
Possums are opossums' namesake
The reason being that possums reminded English settlers in Australia of the North American marsupial. Opossum is an Algonquin word meaning white beast.
Opossum: America's other
Opossum: America's other white beast.
Not really related but...
Well this comment made my day. Thanks!
Biased Australian on the case
An Aussie explains the differences between the two species, and illustrates his essays with all these photos of cute, fuzzy little Australian possums, just trying to get by in the world and not bother anybody and then, finally, at the very end, he posts a photo of an American opossum about to rip somebody's lungs out.
Not biased at all, Mr. Down Under. What, your beasts don't have razor sharp claws (which no doubt secrete some horrible poison) and teeth? And the guy obviously doesn't know that our possums are where the phrase playing possum comes from.
Or it could be a "cat"
The opossum in Harvard Square
Shazza snapped this photo of an opossum in Harvard Square this morning, reports cops on scene called animal control, since it's not normal for the critters to be about during the day in general, let alone in Harvard Square.
I think...
...he just wanted to go see a movie.....sorry about the blood.