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You can never have too many giant creepy baby heads

Baby heads drawings outside the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston

Viewsnortheast photographed some sidewalk drawings of the giant baby heads outside the MFA the other day. They just went on and on.

Copyright Viewsnortheast. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

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Two heads are better than one.

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Too (many) heads are better than one.

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OFFS! Now that Malcom Rogers is finally gone can we get rid of these things?

They're so offensive to those of us who live in the neighborhood and have
to walk past these deliberately disturbing images every day.

I'm not sure which is worse, the baby heads or the goddamn glass
box Rogers built.

But I think it's the baby heads.

Maybe he can take them with him back across the pond.

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..looks to be a curatorial fashion trend.

Fiedler casts a stern look at the bystanders on the Esplanade. https://flic.kr/p/pjLK2r

And McKay winces over in Eastie. https://flic.kr/p/p3hAvH

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Actually many of the neighborhood residents (including yours truly) LOVE the baby heads and have since day 1. Ditto the new "glass box". Seems like many thousands of visitors do as well.

Long live Baby Heads. And their custom knit wool caps.

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..and we'll need stats for the data driven commentariat here.

The latest polling about Babyhead loving and visitor counts with an Oooo and Aaah attachment are essential to get you off of this very thin ice.

I know whenever I toss out one of my hare brained speculative opinions, I always buttress it with clear and cite-able evidence of the broad public support that lends such a roseate glow to my every foolish utterance.

There is no greater peril than to just say something without having the drum roll of public concurrence beating out a strenuous tattoo of irrevocable rightness.

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