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Suspect sought for Huntington Avenue shooting

Suspect in Huntington Avenue shooting

Boston Police have released this photo of a suspect in Tuesday's shooting outside 307 Huntington Ave.

If he looks familiar, call D-4 detectives at 617-343-5619 or contact the anonymous tip line by calling 800-494-TIPS or texting TIP to CRIME (27463).

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When the hell is someone going to teach Boston Police & Transit Police that if you want help identifying someone show us the original sill footage--not a picture someone took with their phone of a tv monitor showing the image! Jesus Christ, I'd think this was a joke, but they do this ALL THE TIME! The shitty resolution and poor coloring is 90% caused by not using the original still-frame from the security camera!!!

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expecting Boston government officials to do things sensibly is like expecting a six-year-old to write and perform a piano sonata. Theoretically possible, but don't hold your breath.

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Actually looks better than the one I'm looking at right now, so I'm not so sure there is much more they can do, but if you know better, call them up and let them know.

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The BPDnews logo looks great!

Joking aside, they really do need better equipment.

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The cameras lead the development of security systems. They have the capability of capturing incredible quality, but the recording devices are what lag behind. Well, they could buy better recording devices but it's cost prohibitive.

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One would think there would be value in improving quality though, for the very reason this discussion is focused around. If this was an image of the person robbing your store, wouldn't you want a better quality image so the suspect could more easily be identified? Or, say, if someone was shot just down the street from your store...

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You buy the best you can with the money you have in that line item in your budget. We know how well the T does with the tracks, cameras fall somewhere down on the priority list. Didn't they buy some facial recognition tech? All homeland security- like?

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I don't think you know how this works.

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...it's pretty clearly Billy Dee Williams as Landro Calrissian. Just Disney up to its old pre-marketing tricks...

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The witnesses description of the suspect was fuzzy.

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Needs more pixels. They should run it through the CSI Face Recognition Algorithm

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release in this instance is to let him know the whole world knows.

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