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The sad case of Mary Dyer's baby
By adamg on Tue, 02/16/2016 - 7:56am
New England Folklore tells us all about Mary Dyer's baby, the Puritan crackdown on heretics and how the two led to her death.
Mary Dyer
Interesting story.
I maintain that one of Mary's descendants suffered a fate worse
than death. C.C. Dyer was married for a while to Geraldo Rivera.
Now she'd just be jailed
Ask any Right-to-Lifer: if the kid was deformed then she MUST have done SOMETHING ... and if she miscarried at all, then, well, JAIL HER for 20 years!
Think this is hyperbole? Think again. Extreme science-averse prosecutors are incarcerating women in the US for miscarriages and still births as we comment!