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State Police: Berserk white guy attacks blacks, Hispanics with a hammer at Revere Beach

State Police report arresting a man they say attacked a group of beachgoers this afternoon with both a hammer and racial slurs.

Gianpaolo Cerretani, 24, faces charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault with a dangerous weapon, civil rights violation, threats to commit a crime disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, State Police say.

State Police say Cerretani's ire was raised when he stole a little child's football and a group of Hispanic and black teenagers and men grabbed it back and returned it to the kid. He got a hammer from somewhere and began swinging it at the teens and man while shouting racial epithets, State Police say.

One of the group, an 18-year-old Hispanic man from Lowell, was struck by the hammer, suffering minor injuries, they continue:

As numerous troopers rushed to the scene, the group of youths and young men got the hammer away from Cerretani and subdued him.

When troopers reached the fracas, they placed Cerretani, who was bleeding from cuts on his head, into handcuffs while they interviewed victims and witnesses. After troopers had Cerretani cuffed, he shouted another racial slur and an obscenity at one of the group, and also shouted at troopers, calling one of them a "pig." He shouted to a trooper, "I'll take you too."

State Police say they took the man to Whidden Memorial Hospital in Everett for observation. They add he hurled a racial epithet at a black security guard there.

Innocent, etc.

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I wonder if this guy supports any particular political candidate

Welcome to Trump America, "Make America Hate Again"

This is what happens when you promote hate and racism... Its like a fire. The more wood you add, the bigger the flame is, and the more likely someone is going to get burned.

I thought he meant Bernie Sanders. I started thinking, "Wow...his hardcore supporters are really pissed.".


I kid, I kid!

Bernie is an honorary redneck american. Unlike you, he understands that guns are tools.

Listen...anyone else hear that?...


And it goes right over anon's head. I can attest, the only tool in this thread is you...and it's a dull tool at that.

"A gun is not a weapon, Marge, it's a tool. Like a butcher's knife or a harpoon, or... or an alligator."

Because this never happened before Trump announced his candidacy.

I didn't say that..

but just in case you missed this little tidbit. The BBC went to Revere, MA and interviewed Trump Supporters.


They just can't over the fact we KICKED THEIR ASS back in 1775.


Just like a certain Presidential candidate, you danced around it and essentially blamed Trump's campaign for this without actually saying as much.

You must know the Revere area enough to know that little racist twerps like this have been around Revere Beach for decades stirring up trouble for minorities and other people they just don't like. If anything, they made Trump, not the other way around.

You mean like a headline "berserk white guy..."

I don't remember ever seeing a headline "black guy shoots white people in Chicago" or "Muslim terrorist shoots up gay night club"

Racism will only end when people choose to end it, in every form from every group of people.

...they'll quit when you quit.

You first. Really.

there were Black and Brown people on the beach so he lost it.

He did refuse to pay for it to be built, after all.

Revere is filled with people like him, they are enraged, mad at what is happening at their beach in recent years with the violence, these people in revere invested have payed taxes and bought luxury style houses with marble floors , chandeliers, statue of the Virgin Mary in their back yards a swimming pool, they even have Lexus cars in their driveways , 30 years ago it was a Cadillac or lincoln but nowadays revere went slightly upscale and every body bought a Lexus car so they can keep up with the jones's in Lynnfield.

Does not look like the typical Trump supporter, but who knows.


While I realize GIANPAOLO M. CERRETANI is an all-American name, where do the State Police identify him as a "white guy" or is that just another rush to judgment? Looking forward to "black guys rob white woman on Boylston" in future UHub headlines. Then again, consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

Glad to see you're up this late.

I IDed him specifically as a white guy attacking blacks and Hispanics because of the civil-rights charges - he's charged with going after people specifically because of their race and ethnicity (with a hammer). If a black guy ever starts chasing white people on Newbury Street with a hammer while screaming racial epithets at them, yes, I'll mention that, too. For some reason, that just doesn't seem to happen much; the only similar incident of late that I can think of is the pipe and urine attack on the sleeping "illegal immigrant" at JFK/UMass by the Trump-spouting Leader brothers, who, oddly enough, were also white.

How do I know he's white? His MySpace page is still up. Some Googling will also show he's a member of a relatively well known family who are white.

If your argument is that only white people commit racially motivated crimes, and that's why you never write articles about other races doing the same, you should probably just stop.

My argument was that if the reverse happened, I would note it (then parenthetically, I noted the other case).

"Guess that race." Yes youre bias and consumed with white guilt.

But thanks for playing. Johnny, tell him what he's won.

Mind explaining?

You are so full of yourself Adam. Hypocrate


I wish you were filled with dictionaries.

now just how in the fresh hell did you get that from what he wrote???

Are you really googling people and looking at their MySpace to ensure yourself he was white and this was a hate crime? Hahahaha! You are so pathetic!

But I figured that would be something somebody like you might understand.

Amidst all the angry shouting in the rest of the comments, I'd like to just take a moment to point out that this is the sickest burn any of us is going to see all week. The Lebron-swatting-away-Iguodala's-fast-break of our news-reading day. One of the great mic-drops in Boston reporting.

Henceforth, all UHub crime reports should identify suspects that actively maintain a MySpace page.

I think you're going to need this:


" If a black guy ever starts chasing white people on Newbury Street with a hammer while screaming racial epithets at them, yes, I'll mention that, too. "

Yet these are the headlines when that does happen.

"Pack roamed downtown, robbing and beating people"

"Mattapan man charged with beating up Blue Line worker "

"Teens attack two on the Common; two arrested"

"Pack, Mattapan man, Teens" are those just euphemisms?


...that's a suppository and that's at a third of actual size.

Upon your screen size ...

Those people were charged with being criminals, but not with civil-rights violations, because there's no evidence they were going after people based on their race or ethnicity, as opposed to the guy in this case.

Yes, because racially motivated attacks going in the reverse result in hate crime charges oh so often.

66% of single-bias crimes investigated by the Feds in 2012 were white-on-black.
22% of single-bias crimes were black-on-white.

Single-bias means there was a a single overwhelming cause for the crime to be committed and it was the race of the victim.

So, unless you can prove that whites don't attack blacks because of their race at a 3-to-1 ratio as blacks attack whites because of race in this country, you're wrong.

What, you think the feds get involved in people being sucker punched by 'teens' in the common?

Additionally your own numbers indicate that the black population is significantly over represented in the fed investigation numbers.

Why do you put 'teens' in 'quotes'? Is it some 'hip' new thing that all the 'kids' are 'doing'? How many people are 'sucker punched' by these 'teens', anyway?

Why is teens in quotes? Because teens is the term used when crowds of young black men assault people on the common. Quite in contrast with the "Beserk White Guy" sort of headline.

He said it had to do with the racial slurs being slung.

In none of those 3 UHub stories are the victims' races ever identified. In none of those 3 UHub stories are the assailants said to be assaulting their victims due to race. So, in none of those 3 stories is your comment relevant.

PS - My subject is rhetorical. We already know the answer.

"are the victims' races ever identified. "

Nope, convenient huh?

Not a dis necessarily on Adam he is merely passing along other news reports and police statements.

So...now we're into the conspiracy theory world.

So, your supposition is that the teens attacked that couple solely because the couple was white and not because they had their iPhones out or the teens were stuck in a stupid group mentality that led to them all agreeing that attacking people was a good idea. Then, after investigation, the police decided NOT to tell the public or charge the teens for attacking the white couple and shouting racial epithets and Adam aloofly just republished what the police told him (even though he's made mention here that he does his own research based off police reports from time to time)...and all this led to him posting "teens" instead of "black teens"...which you don't actually have ANY evidence of because all the reports are anonymized since they are treated as minors so neither of their names nor their races has ever been released. You only have the fact that they're from Dorchester to go on.

Except the Globe story points out that the couple that was attacked were teaching each other Korean and one was from Japanese heritage. So, the couple isn't even likely white. In this case, the victim's races are somewhat known by the news...and in that fact, your conspiracy theory falls apart.

But I knew that before I posted because I knew you'd bite on what I said. Yes, very convenient.

Asian people cannot be victims of hate crimes?

Asian people cannot be victims of hate crimes?

Not the ones you're blowing your dog whistle about.

I'm sorry, are you suggesting that you were up in arms about Adam's attempt to silence black-on-asian crime waves?

You must have mistyped "white" when you meant "asian".

Actually, two reasons.

1) Authorities often release very little to no information about victims in general because they've already been, well, victimized enough. For some reason, they often do release the ages of victims of violent crimes and, in the case of State Police, where they're from.

2) It's generally not relevant (for that matter, you'll notice I don't tend to note the race of suspects, unless they're at large). In this particular case, given that we're talking about a civil-rights charge, yes, it's relevant.

I wouldn't be surprised those racial slurs were thrown after a friendly reminder that stealing is bad via a few well-aimed kicks to the head. There's definitely more to the story.

Sounds totally reasonable, and then "he hurled a racial epithet at a black security guard" at Whidden Memorial Hospital because - wait, why?

Before there was Market Basket in Chelsea there was Cerretani's on the Revere Beach Parkway! The crush of humanity. The polyglot cacophony. The sawdust on the floor which made you think of grade-school janitors cleaning up child vomit. How many hours did I spend in there while Nanna complained with the deli guy that he was cutting the corned beef too thick.

Anyways, who said Italians are white?

I know it's a little off topic, but my parents shopped at Cerretani's all the time. They stayed open straight through the Blizzard of 78, until there was just no merchandise left to sell. Can you imagine that happening now? Stores would be closed days before the storm even arrived. If it even arrived.

That "history" in that movie scene is not entirely accurate.

That movie is mostly just a non serious action film.

No foolin? I always take my history lessons and beer recommendations from Dennis Hopper.

But actually the Great White Race did not include a number of "white" people. At one time Germans (of non-Saxon stock), Irish, Italians, Jews, Eastern Europeans, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek (hell, Mediterraneans in general), etc. were all in the "non-white" category. Which is to say race, as a concept for categorizing people, is bullshit.

Which is to say race, as a concept for categorizing people, is bullshit.

Of course so-called "racial science" was always bullshit. But you know what's just as intellectually dishonest, just as much bullshit as "racial science"? Pretending that "racial science", and the racism it engendered, have no power and don't continue to oppress people today. IOW, just because something's bullshit doesn't mean it's not powerful and that it doesn't harm some people.

Yes Mildred. I know. The point was racism as some sort of biological thing is bullshit and yes, as a cultural thing used to oppress different groups of people it's a problem -- and that is not generally accepted by the Fishy's and DPM's of the world. But go ahead and sing away to the choir.

Accidentally upvoted this incredibly dumb comment trying to hit reply. Where's the judgement? You think this headline is unfairly coloring readers perception of the alleged attacker?

It's a good thing he wasn't using some really deadly weapon, like a crock pot.

Thirst story could have happened any time over the last 100 years in Revere. (The hot-head just would have found a different group to attack). I would also point out that if he (obviously) can't stand to be around people of color then he shouldn't be near the T station. With a hammer.

Couldn't you have posted this without being so detailed about race?

To make the connection?

I just went through your past few shooting articles in Dorchester and Roxbury and none of them have race mentioned. Nor do they have many (either 1 or zero) comments. I guess Adam has figured out, like the Globe, that racially charged articles get much more attention. If it is white on white or black on black, no one seems to pay attention or comment.

Because race had nothing to do with the attack, amirite?

The reverse happens in quite significantly higher numbers, I will not be holding my breath to see hate crime charges when it happens next tho.

Nor will I be holding my breath to see such attacks racialized in this manner on the site.

I would anticipate the headline to go something like "State Police: Crowds of young black men assault and sucker punch scores of people walking the common"

Of course that would be racist.

Prove it.

Scores of people huh. Nice straw man bruh

Why are you so pissed about this headline? Some idiot attacked people on a beach yelling racial slurs at them. You mad because you feel implicated, as a member of the"default race"? Are you trying to argue that the attacker may not consider himself "white" and we ought to ask his opinion? Or maybe his actions are not representative of all people who may be identified as "white"? What an idea

Stop crying

The reverse happens in quite significantly higher numbers,

[citation needed]

Nor will I be holding my breath to see such attacks racialized in this manner on the site.

Boy, you sure do seem unhappy here, reading this new coverage that doesn't charge you a subscription fee. And yet here you are, in comment thread after comment thread, telling us at great length of your unhappiness over Adam's refusal to turn this place into Stormfront.

Of course that would be racist.

It's almost as though the terms "racist" and "hate crime" have specific meanings, which don't actually map onto minority-on-white crime because of literally centuries of historical context, some of which you would probably be acquainted with if you could stop inhaling deeply of the delicate bouquet of your own bullshit and dig your head out of your own ass long enough to read a goddamned book.

In 2008, the most recent year for which such data seem to have been collected, FBI surveys show that, out of 520,161 interracial violent crimes, blacks committed 429,444 of them against whites, while whites committed 90,717 of them against blacks.

Tell me more about reading a book.

The point is not whether blacks have committed more violent crimes against whites. It's whether they were racially motivated in doing so.

You see, a lot of violent crime has shit-all to do with race and everything to do with money and opportunity. There are a lot more white people and they tend to have more money, so they are going to be the target of violent crime more often. In fact, in 2010 it was like 60% white to 15% black Americans in America. So, the fact that your violent crime numbers are 430k to 90k is almost exactly in proportion...which means you are barely above background.

In other words, keep reading and let me know when you get to statistics and understanding the antecedent.

The stats hold. As you state blacks only make up 15% of the population yet they commit 4x more intraracial crime. Adjust for population numbers and WOW the black population is massively over represented in committing intraracial crime.

"In other words, keep reading and let me know when you get to statistics and understanding the antecedent."

No brain waves.

I have a bag full of red and blue balls. There are 4x as many red balls as blue ones.

You pick one at random without looking. Is it blue or red? How often will it be blue and how often will it be red?

Now, if a white person is picking they'll get 4-to-1 white people to attack.
If a black person is picking, they'll also get 4-to-1 white people to attack.

The number of black people attacking anyone is irrelevant to your argument of whether black-on-white hate crime is underreported by the police and news. But you're not here to actually argue that, are you? You're just here to let us know you hate black people. We've got it. You can move on now.

Lets do some math!

(90,717 /197,870,516)*100,000= 45 per 100k white committed interracial crime

(429,444/42,000,000)*100,000= 1,022 per 100k black committed interracial crime

Talk about a disparity! On a per capita basis the black population is 22x more likely to commit interracial crime. Now if only the non black population was 22X larger than the black population, only than would your point hold any water. Your balls have fallen out of the bag! If your point had merit the black population would only be 6x more likely to commit interracial crime.

Its okay, numbers are hard, way easier to just cry RACIST!

"In other words, keep reading and let me know when you get to statistics and understanding the antecedent."

Because that would be as relevant as the math you just did.

What are you trying to prove? I thought it was that when black people attack white people DUE TO RACE that it gets missed.

You didn't have any evidence of that and tried to conjure up some theory that the police intentionally sweep it under the rug with complicity from the press.

Then you started telling us all how many interracial violent crimes there are and left the "DUE TO RACE" part in the dust.

Now, you're trying to divide numbers to prove that there's a per capita problem without any understanding of the underlying variables involved as if your back-of-the-envelope calculation has any bearing on reality. You don't even know if the FBI and the census use the same underlying definitions of white and black let alone why the numbers might have confounding variables that you haven't accounted for yet. You know...statistics things.

And at this point, you're so far down some racist rabbit hole that you seem to think you're winning(?) when you lost your original thread back at the beginning. You're so wound up on proving that black people commit crimes (and lots of it) that you've flung your original premise about single-bias crimes and reporting bias aside and demonstrated what your true intent actually was all along.

Good luck with that.

What happened to your statistics based argument? Back to crying racist? Could you identify a beef you have with any of my numbers?

You didn't refute them.

They are also useless when arguing with a person who has no concept of probability, only of his own irrational and paralyzing fear of "those" people.

As demonstrated the black population is 22x more likely to be involved in interracial violence. If the probability accurately reflected their population numbers they would only be 6x more likely.

Giving any meaning to those numbers is a statstical and logical fallacy.

Just because you can do arithmetic doesn't mean that you understand actual statistics. Coursera has some good courses on inference if you REALLY want to know why we think you are a foolish racist here.

So you are incapable of disputing numbers with numbers and will as a result resort to name calling?

what I suspect he's doing, which is conclude that you're too ignorant about statistics to waste time arguing with.

Life's too short to wrangle with every online yutz who thinks his grasp of long division equates to the barest understanding of stats.

So you can dispute zero of the provided numbers so prefer to dismiss them as they do not fit your preconceived worldview?

The numbers fit my worldview perfectly. The majority of people who are the victims of crime are from a group that makes up the majority.

There's nothing else to say, except maybe go back to looking at feet?

You're obviously as dumb as an overboiled cabbage, so I'm guessing that you don't understand what the word "dispute" means. To speak of "disputing" numbers is a bit of a nonsense phrase. One can dispute the veracity of the numbers, or (as in this case) one can dispute the conclusions that you are drawing from them. These conclusions have been quite thoroughly refuted, but you're too busy braying NUMBERS SAY BLACK PEOPLE MEAN TO WHITE PEOPLE to listen.

to explain rudimentary statistical analysis to ignoramuses on the Internet.

Maybe you can find a retiree to give you a primer on it, somebody with a lot of free time and extraordinary patience with the halt and the lame. Me, I have a day job to attend to. Life's too short to be this guy.

You're just here to let us know you hate black people.

Actually, I think he's here to give us a grand tour of the logical fallacy universe - with a heaping side order of statistical ignorance.


The reverse happens in quite significantly higher numbers,

And of course you have those numbers to provide, together with references to actual cases. Put up or shut up.

(90,717 /197,870,516)*100,000= 45 per 100k white committed interracial crime

(429,444/42,000,000)*100,000= 1,022 per 100k black committed interracial crime

You need to go back to the start - this is about HATE crime, not interracial crime.

Those are two very different things.

Don't you have a trump rally to be at, Buzrum?

Get over it.

When white people stop acting like entitled pigs and stop selectively attacking minorities while yelling racial epithets.

In the meantime, when white people act like entitled pigs and selectively attack minorities while yelling racial epithets, both Adam and the major news outlets will continue to report that a white person acted like an entitled pig and selectively attacked minorities while yelling racial epithets.

Got that yet?

Entitled pigs? Just say cops. It was already mentioned in the article, idiot! Anyone else you don't like? Asians? MBTA workers? Sad that another anti-cop post already has 7 likes.

...despite what you (and adam and others) seemed to have inferred from the police report. The original kid from whom the football was taken and who was initially threatened with the hammer - is 15 and white (not sure where the police got 'young child'). The other kids in that first group were about the same age and were mostly white and asian. (yes, I'm the parent of one of them).

I'm not saying this guy isn't harboring lots of violent rage and bigotry, and should be punished for assault et al, but from the first-hand account I heard it seems that he's one of those jackasses who'll say or do whatever he thinks is nastiest to whoever he's focussed on. He brought a damn hammer to the beach, ffs!

Actually the guy took a football from a group of my daughter's friends who are high school students at BLS. According to her, he.asked if he could use the football two of the boys were playing with and they tossed it to him. When they asked for it back, he said "it's mine". He threw the ball some more and another group caught it and gave it back to the boys. She says that's when he pulled out the hammer. Her friends threw the football back to him and decided that was enough beach for the day and left while the fight between hammer guy and the other group of teenagers was getting started.

Who doesn't always bring a hammer to the beach?

My daughter said they were pretty much too confused by the turn of events to be particularly scared. I figure anyone who brings a hammer to the beach is looking for a fight more than a football and thought a bunch of 15-16 year olds were easy pickings.

Take a look at his facebook as linked here seems like a thug.

This hammer-wielding jackass is an equal opportunity bigot it would seem... not just limited to race, also dislikes cops and children playing on the beach.