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Don't you hate it when you stand up and your gun falls out of your shorts?

Boston Police report officers were in the process of arresting the passenger in a car pulled over for a traffic violation Saturday evening when they noticed the driver was acting all fidgety.

The officers asked the driver to exit the vehicle, and as he stood up, a small silver firearm fell out of his shorts and onto the street. Officers quickly recovered the gun, a loaded Raven .25 caliber handgun, and placed the suspect in custody without incident.

Jeffrey Paul, 29, of Roslindale, was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, second offense, unlawful possession of ammunition, carrying a loaded firearm and the traffic infraction, police say.

Paul spent three years in prison for illegal possession of a firearm after his arrest in 2008 on Hyde Park Avenue in Roslindale.

Innocent, etc.

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Kesner Leneus, 24
Jeffrey Paul, 29

These are men not youths!

But for some reason, they didn't want to call it the gang unit.

You don' t say... We don't need new laws which aren't going to change the fact we hardly enforce the ones we currently have.

Guns exist. The intelligence to make a gun exists. Why is this so difficult for policymakers and pundits to comprehend?

well, if guns weren't so freakishly easy to acquire, there wouldn't be a surplus for criminals to get there hands on.

newsflash: criminals break laws! lets not make it easier for them by making guns readily available at gun shows or online.

Readily available online? Really?

Go ahead and give that a try. The first thing you'll see are the letters FFL. As in Federal Firearms License.

If you want to buy a gun online and live in Massachusetts, you can't. You can make arrangements to purchase it and have it shipped to an FFL holder, typically a dealer or local gun club. Who will then transfer it to you, for a fee, once you produce your State-issued license that proves you have the legal right to buy and own that gun. Just like a regular in-state in person purchase, with extra transfer and shipping fees thrown in.

No LTC/FID card, no online purchase.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not exactly Amazon Prime here in the real world.

IF you buy a gun online, its needs to be shipped to a FFL where you then need to go through a criminal background check. It is illegal to just hop onto online, buy a gun and have it shipped to your home... stop parroting misleading liberal talking points especially if you've never purchased a gun. Which I assume you haven't.

I servery doubt the gun was purchased at a gun show.

I'm tired of that pesky "gun show loophole" in MA, where two lawfully licensed individuals who have already been background checked to get the license make a private sale and report it to the FRB. Or how about FFLs selling to licensed people AND perform a NICS check.

Get convicted of the first offense, do 3 years, get out, and keep on doing the thing you did to get the first offense.

I would have to conclude, through Adam's reporting, that the law was, is, and probably will be enforced, unless he gets the hint this time.

Perhaps it would help if we had 10 or 15 year mandatory sentence for illegal gun possession without any of that evidence suppression bullshit - people would think twice about committing the first offense, let alone second one. Illegal gun is illegal gun - it shouldn't matter if it was found during a routine traffic stop or a murder in progress. And to all the clowns who are going to remind me about the fourth amendment - you can't have the fourth but foam at your mouth whenever you hear about the second.

First offense?

Sure, but how are we going to pay to built and staff all the prisons with your schedule of sentencing?

And once again, you do realize that we went to jail for 3 years, meaning that regardless anything concerning evidence and the fourth amendment, he was convicted before.

Nowadays illegal gun possession gets you a slap on the wrist in most cases or a laughably short prison stay, which is why everyone and their grandma is packing and wannabe gangbangers are pumping each other full of lead for wearing a wrong hat on a wrong street. Only the truly hardened criminals will keep carrying guns once there's real consequences and a few idiots are used as an example for all others and get locked away for a quarter of their lifetime. Heck, we'll have to figure out what to do with all the prisons that are no longer needed.

That's 75% of high school.

Since when is 3 years with no freedom a "slap on the wrist?"

Nor for naught, but the guy is now looking at 5 to 7 years. That's 8 to 10 years out of his life. Third offense is 7 to 10, fourth offense is 10 to 15, so by the time we heard this guy's name 4 times, we are, conservatively, talking about 25 years in prison total, again assuming that he neither smartens up nor crosses someone who does a better job hiding their pistol.

Looking at 5 to 7 in MA equates to him only doing another 3 years, which was ineffective the first time obviously.

cooperating witnesses and sound judicial application. We know the arrests are happening.

On the home page it reads as:

officers were in the process of the passenger in a car pulled over

I note that it has been cleaned up in the "read more" version.

Somebody forgot to get a holster.

Holsters usually aren't offered as an accessory for those that purchase their guns in a brown paper bag.

Where do you even find ammo for a .25 caliber. Talk about a dead caliber.

You buy it online of course! It's right next to those AR15s that will be delivered to your house, with the mere click of a mouse. From the Interwebs! Just ask any of the expert posters here. They clearly are deeply and directly experienced firearms owners.

I just hate it that anyone would be out and about with a gun in his/her shorts whether it falls out or not.

Why is that? Permitted carry is legal in MA, as it is in pretty much all states.

Why should I be happy that people are out and about with guns in their shorts, permitted or otherwise?

Because they have every right to carry a firearm to defend themselves and their loved ones.

Giving assailants extra holes are the best way to stop attacks like this.


I am not debating the legally-permitted right to carry - I am simply stating my opinion about the concept of someone carrying a gun permitted or otherwise.

I am skeptical too that if the unfortunate victim in that story had a gun, that she would have supplied the assailants extra holes. I've read far too many stories or people perpetrating crimes with guns and equally far too few about people successfully defending themselves by having a gun. Furthermore, I'd like to naively believe that none of us should need a gun to feel safe in this world.

According to the FBI, there were a total of 625 murders committed with rifles and shotguns in 2012. That breaks down to 322 murders that were rifle related and 303 that were shotgun related.

The total number of deaths committed with fists, hammers, and other blunt objects was 1,196. That breaks down to 518 murders related to hammers and blunt objects and 678 related to hands, fists, feet etc.

Handguns is 6,371 but you get the point...

Handguns killed 6371 people. That's over Five times as many as were killed with blunt objects.

Didn't gloss over that... hence why I included to the stats. The bottom line is you can be killed by things other than guns.

"You can be killed by other things than guns" might be the dumbest argument I've ever seen for something. Hats off to you, sir!

that guns are used to murder almost 6 times as many people as anything else?

"Furthermore, I'd like to naively believe that none of us should need a gun to feel safe in this world."

Magically eliminate people like Jeffery Paul and perhaps we could.

a bunch of armed onlookers were able to stop the Dallas shooter. There were a dozen civilians there carrying weapons legally, plus a whole bunch of armed cops, I'm sure one of them MUST have put a hole in the shooter before he had the chance to kill a bunch of people. Otherwise, the folks spouting the same idiotic "only way to stop a guy with a gun is to shoot him yourself" drivel the NRA has been peddling for decades would look awful foolish. If it, for example, turned out that they all ran for cover, just like everyone else, then people like yourself might feel the urge to shut the goddamn hell up about this tired, absurd-on-its-face argument every time the grownups in the room try to have a conversation about policy.

Wait the act of carrying a firearm does not make one immortal? Carrying a firearm will not always protect you from every possible scenario like a sniper engaging otherwise unaware persons poorly equipped to deal with armed combat?

Color me shocked!

see also: the off duty cop, with his gun, doing security at the orlando night club who was unable to stop the massacre.

Again simply a reflection on the reality that gunfights are not a good time.

Like those grown-up House Democrats who kicked and screamed on the House floor when Republicans wouldn't cater to their "gun control" policies?

Not everyone who chooses to conceal carry thinks they're some hero, and it's for protecting imminent threats to their life or those of their loved ones? Your bias is pretty obvious, but if you actually talk to someone who does cc there are no illusions about getting the hell out of an active shooter scenario versus sticking around to play action hero. You're forcing an idea in your head to fit your narrative, but it's the wrong idea because you don't know what you're talking about.

Poster didn't say he was opposed to concealed carry, but rather opposed to anyone carrying with the waistband, a particularly dangerous place to store a gun.

Thigh out, kid!

They feel the need to put something dangerous and hard in their pants to compensate for the small, flaccid thing that also resides down there.

People usually carry firearms with the shortest barrel possible for comfort when carrying, not me I go for a big ol barrel so it makes my junk look big. Why carry a cellphone sized firearm when you can carry a firearm that doubles as a codpiece?!

You know...

This type of thing wouldn't happen if more people wore suburban mom leggings.

Or are you just happy to see me?