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Pot bangers protest president

Protester would rather bang a pot than listen to Trump

As the president spoke on TV, about 35 Roslindale residents gathered in Adams Park with pots and ladles to bang out a protest, in a Latin American-style demonstration known as a "cacerolazo."

For 45 minutes, they stood near the Poplar and South end of the park, banging their pots and occasionally taking a stroll around the park.

PRoslindale protesters
PRoslindale protesters
PRoslindale protesters
PRoslindale protesters

This being Massachusetts, of course, somebody brought over some boxes of Munchkins from the nearby Dunkin' Donuts.

Three BPD officers watched the protest from the comfort of their cruisers, parked on Washington Street.

Towards the end of the protest, a couple drove up behind the cruisers and parked their car for a little counter-protest: The driver rolled down his window and cranked up the president's speech. Unfortunately for him, the only person who seemed to notice was a roving UHub photographer, who had walked a bit aways from the protesters to take a photo when he noticed a muffled din off towards the library and wandered over to see what it was.

Protest protest car


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Putting their fingers in their ears and saying LALALALA I'm not listening.
Pretty pathetic "protest"

They are listening. And they're acting on what they hear.

Not every rally is big. Just ask the people who attended the inauguration.

What is that supposed to mean? and how are they listening if they are outside banging pots and pans like bratty children?

You have to listen to what Trump does literally, not what he says figuratively.

listen to what someone does literally?

Actions speak louder than words.

It is a well written article that explains it for me.

Not as big as the group banging pots and pans together... but not bad either.

Initially, Adam said "not every rally is big. Just ask the people who attended the inauguration"....so I replied with the pic to show him it was a big rally.

It was "bigly" and "yyyuge"......

That's the women's march. Weather and kitty ears call out that lie, chump.

Did they let your plywood signs in?

You feeling ok?? I am no genius like all other commenters here (especially the anons) but 1) the march was the day after 2) I didn't think you could backdate Facebook timestamps so the pic would show as posted on Friday and 3) I didn't think Trump spoke at the women's march.

You got 13 likes for calling me a chump when you're wrong - congratulations buddy. As I said, lots of geniuses around here.

What really gets me is that people like you don't bother to do a simple search and instead scream at the top of your lungs, smugly: "Look! This is a conspiracy! Everyone's dishonest! How do you disprove this?"


I'm NOT saying this is Women's March. But can you, Trumpbots, do some critical thinking for once?

I didn't use caps or anything.....you just used caps in this reply.....and beforehand you referenced kitty ears.

So the picture either was or was not the inauguration....your initial reply looks like you said it was not.....now you're saying you're NOT stating what you initially said....and we're also discussing weather, kitty ears, tutorials on backdating, allegations of yelling and smugness, etc.

That whole interaction blew my mind....Please seek help. Fantastic talk by the way.

Actually, I'm a totally different anon. Nice try to attack me instead of my post, pointing out how you're wrong.

My apologies - I'll try harder next time

Now we know it is a fake - I think you can figure out why.

You should ask the guy who posted the pic on Facebook what the backstory is - I can only go with what I see on there and what the comments were. Looks legit to me but who the hell knows.

Please update this thread once you hear back.

The general pink hue of the crowd shows it's the women's march, not the inauguration. I think not everyone gets that.

It was raining for Trump's inaugural.

And all the kitty ears tell the real tale.

Can you take a picture on Saturday the 21st and have it show up on Facebook as posted on Friday the 20th?

Let me know...

1st time hearing that term......If you wouldn't mind sending a tutorial on the subject, I'd appreciate it.

and what's up with those jerks that dumped tea in the harbor? Whiny snowflake libs need to shut up and let the king lead!

Spend a little money and have a Tea Party!


Anyone around this weekend? I think we're onto something big here.

When the right wingers had taken over the federal government and didn't want any more student protests in Quebec, Quebec moved to shut down any and all protest over gutting academic freedom and freedom to demonstrate because "emergency" or some such rot.

It wasn't just the students who brought IKEA's housewares division into the streets.


But he did do an excellent job tonight, most notably his repudiation of hate in the opening and a very respectful recognition of Ms. Owens' sacrifice.

Certainly don't agree with many things, but his thoughts on merit immigration, calls for more bipartisanship, infrastructure and a few other things were well presented.

If he can figure out how to pay for half of this and improve health care, he may turn into a good president.

The pot bangers would have benefited from listening more and making less noise.

Repudiation of hate?! You've got to be kidding!! All he did was go through the motions so that white Trump supporters can say "Oh, he did condemn it." You cannot repudiate hate as you build public policy on it. For several days, he ignored the hate crime deaths of immigrants, and numerous acts of hate crimes and anti-Semitism, and somehow managed to eliminate Jews from his Holocaust remembrance speech, He has continued his attacks on Muslims allowing CBP to detain American citizens and travelers with valid visas from entering the country, he removed protections for LBGT people, his AG just removed the DOJ from the lawsuit against Voter ID laws, his Secy of Education just came out with possibly the most ignorantly racist comment ever, he continues to refer to the Affordable Care Act as "Obamacare" just to hype up the racism in his core constituency, and still has no replacement for it because apparently he had no idea "health care could be so complicated". He is still pushing an immigration plan that is racist at its core, he put a gag order on abortion advising (not even services) in overseas programs and still seeks to undo Roe v. Wade, He blamed Obama for the protests against him and blamed the Oscar flub on those trying to attack him. He still hasn't released his tax returns, nor separated himself from his business - including a new branding in China. He screwed up the raid in Yemen and used the widow of the soldier to promote himself.

On what basis can you possibly say that he has in any way improved? Maya Angelou had a wonderful line for this situation - "when someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time."

He sounded moderately presidential which is more then he's done before. But it's what he says, not how he says it.

He describes America in which violent crime is rampant, illegal immigration is stealing all our jobs, etc. Neither of these statements are true: Violent crime is lower then it has been in decades and illegal immigration was slowing on it's own and has been for some time. Jobs aren't being stolen by immigrants, they're being stolen by automation.

A few days prior he declaimed the free press the "enemy of the people" using language previously uttered by the world's dictators.

If Trump wants to fire Steve Bannon (and fiends) and stop telling lies I'd listen to him. However his speech did not indicate a reversal of any of his previous statements and that's what people are protesting.

He paraded the widow of a serviceman out on stage to publicly wage a battle between her and the SEAL's father, because the father had the audacity to question Trump's approval of that raid. If it were any president from the past hundred years doing this, it would be career-ending, but it's not even in the top-ten most inappropriate things this chucklefuck has done this week. The bar could not possibly be set any lower.

"The pot bangers would have benefited from listening more and making less noise." I agree.

"There are none so blind as those that will not hear".--dmcboston

I did like the way President Trump reached out to the Democrat side of the crowd on several occasions, inviting them to work together. The cut to Elizabeth Warren was priceless. She looked like she had a little rock in her shoe that she couldn't get rid of.

And a host of other politicians.

Stop using the phrase, "I'll fight for you."

Start using the phrase, "I'll work for you."

We are all tired of the fighting. Take a page from Tip and Ron and start working together. BOTH sides.

Of course, but you mean after O'Neill wiped the floor w/ Reagan's OG (original Goldwater) conservatism first. The Dems had to whip that Republican admin from dogmatism to compromise, and Tip was the perfect politician of his time to do so.

WASHINGTON, June 9, 1983— Fifteen minutes before the House goes into session each day, 50 reporters file into the Speaker's office to hear what has become an almost daily attack on President Reagan. It is a wide-ranging foray, whose underlying theme is that the Reagan Presidency is ''of the rich, by the rich and for the rich,'' the words used by Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. on Monday to describe the Administration's tax program.


Neither side got what they wanted. They landed somewhere in between which is usually where the best answer are.

I agree. But the Dems had to fight first. I'm sure the proper modern parallel isn't lost on you.

All I hear is Trump this and Trump that. But it was up the other party to persuade voters to vote for their flawed (and she was flawed) candidate. They failed.

Until we on the other side realize this, the potential is for another four years of this guy. And I personally don't want another four years of this guy.

If you want to vent your spleen, vent on the Democrats, who ignored the voice and concerns of many who voted for Trump for a good many years. That party lost a mediating voice in all branches of government (which is the problem). If that is not a good barometer of the sh*t hitting the fan, than I don't know what else is.

(Wearing white pant suits, banging pots, protesting in general, whatever, it is your right. But, in the end, the Democrats have to win back the people who used to vote blue.)

And why one party should never have all the marbles.

The best answer is not "usually in the middle". That's a fallacy. And it's one that if abided by is easily abused by one side using the Overton Window. By pushing against one side of the window by letting the basest of base followers take control, you shift the edge of the window on your side about what is politically considered "your side's view" and thus the middle ground ends up being something like ObamaCare instead of Medicare-For-All like the rest of the 1st World that got government healthcare better than we have so far.

So, you get more of what you wanted if you make everyone play in the "middle" and you change the definition of "middle" by shifting "right" so far that middle is now more to the right than it ever was before. Time and again, Republicans, representing "the right" have allowed the extremists in their party dictate the terms of the discussion to the point that *anything* left of center is now even considered out of whack!

Yeah, that was inviting them to work together kinda like I invite people to bite me.

I did like the way President Trump reached out to the Democrat side of the crowd on several occasions, inviting them to work together.

"Working together" in Trumpspeak = "Just shut up and sign off on whatever ridiculous idea I come up with or that Bannon feeds me."

Words are cheap. I want to see action. If the Comedian in Chief wants everybody on each side of the aisle to play nice, the Republicans*, in general, have to start playing nice. Which means empathy, sincerity, genuine concern, polices they help not hurt people, the environment, etc.

*Of course, the Democrats are not immune.

for every line he delivered offering hope and improvement, he has made a direct action to the contrary of those stated goals. The appointment of completely unqualified persons to his cabinet is the only evidence I need to point to, but expressing concern over clean air and water while green-lighting oil pipelines, and stripping the EPA of its teeth, and promising to bring back the coal industry just speaks for itself.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This speech was full of lies. I don't buy any of it.

But he did do an excellent job tonight, most notably his repudiation of hate in the opening and a very respectful recognition of Ms. Owens' sacrifice.

Related, would you be interested in purchasing my Cape Cod tunnel pass?

Next time we bang pots, let's all wear knitted pink hats with cat-ear like corners. That will double the effectiveness!

Because turning out 200,000 people in a city of less than 700,000 and area of around 2 million isn't effective?

Sure told Charlie Baker what side he needed to be on.

-- Because turning out 200,000 people in a city of less than 700,000 --

Back in 1969, Sha-Na-Na had 200,000 people at their concert in a town of 4000.

The thing is, if you invite enough people who have various causes, you get to play fast and loose with the numbers for the whole turnout. This is why Obama often had Bon Jovi and Springsteen open for his campaign speeches.

You sound like those idiots who said "it was a rock concert" because a young local band accustomed to playing night clubs entertained the crowd of nearly a million in a city of 500,000 before Obama showed up.

Talk about "fast and loose with numbers" - I'm betting that you failed every math class past 8th grade if you even had to take any.

The Obama-Springsteen rock concert brings in 18,000 people.


18,000 is smaller than a million. I wonder which phony muffed up the draw for the other phony.

From the king of fake news, the biggest enemy of the people, the New York Times:

Still, the paradox remained. He called for working “past the differences of party,” just hours after he called Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader from California, “incompetent.” He declared that “the time for trivial fights is behind us” just weeks after engaging in a public Twitter war with Arnold Schwarzenegger over the ratings for “Celebrity Apprentice.”

A speech written by others who were told, "Trump needs to sound like a sane man. Write something that sounds good," is just magician's trick of redirection.

Sticking to Obamacare, even as the 2016 candidate ran away from the program.

Basically tried to turn the country into a social democracy and were rebuffed. Need a new vision.

That Nancy Pelosi is incompetent? Who exactly should one blame for the dems losing the house, the senate, the presidency? James Comey? The Russians? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz?

They are all in denial. Mr Trump is the elected President under the system in place, If you are that against him, then use the system in place to remove him. If the opposition didn't back such a flawed candidate, then maybe things would have had a different outcome.All this deflection about the Russians, what about the influence peddling of the Clintons and all with respect to Uranium One and the Russians? The Foundation has things to answer for, and it is just a matter of time for that to happen.

You might want to read up on the Constitution. Start with the First Amendment, which gives people the right to assemble, petition their elected officials and speak out on issues of concern from them.

Why are we still talking about Clinton? She lost and hasn't been in public for over 3 months, get over it.

We're now focusing on the actions of our moron-in-chief, try to keep up.

Trump won the election, but don't you think he is acting like he got a huge mandate to make radical changes? Under the electoral college system he won, but more people voted for the other flawed candidate. So shouldn't he be taking that into account?

If you want to believe that nobody held protests after Obama was elected, that's your right. You're wrong, though, and I'm exercising my editorial judgment to stop posting anonymous comments from people who claim things like this never happened.

Who the fuck mentioned Obama ? Stop deflecting , I answered your question on denial. The more I see of your selecting and censoring of postings on this forum, posturing to your opinion, the more I understand Trump using social media to circumvent the machinations of the media like the NY Times et al. Your perception of how society should be is not unanimous yet, there are people that think differently,You all still have not owned up to how you fucked up education with the busing fiasco,

Because I fucking wasn't replying to you. I was fucking replying to a stream of anon comments that fucking keep fucking claiming how we should treat Dear Leader with respect and how this fucking never happened after Obama was fucking elected, when, in fucking fact, it did.

If you prefer Trump's message, that's fine. You know where to find his fucking Twitter feed, right?

Dude you are deflecting again. Obama was President and was endured and now he is not, Trump is , he beat Hillary. Stop glossing over how deplorable a candidate she was and the fact that that might have caused Trump to win. Stop the denial, the Clintons elected Trump by default. And get original too! I dig that you don't like Trump and that he ruined the succession of the most excellent social experiment.

I accept the election results. Trump is the president. Despite winning the popular vote, yes, Clinton ran an awful campaign because she effectively managed to lose by 70,000 or 80,000 votes in three key states.

But that's not what I'm answering. I'm answering people who keep trying to post here (and as I said, I've had enough) that Trump is president and he is due respect and that people who opposed Obama treated him with respect.

No, they (and this includes the Denier-in-Chief) did not.

That's all. I'm not trying to re-fight the 2016 elections. I'm just saying that certain people have their head so far up their asses about what was going in from the day after the 2008 elections until, oh, Nov. 7, 2016, that they are unable to conceive that protests against a sitting president are not a new thing.

I was not a huge fan of Obama, but we frequently had to declare Nobama zones when relatives came to visit and started spouting Fox talking points (generally factual, but they ignored the half of the facts that didn't support their worldview).

Now I see the Trump version out here. And as stated, I'm not a Trump fan at all.

Some day maybe a moderate like Kasich or someone like Lieberman on the left will win. I'm sure 25% of the people,will still scream foul and spit venom.

"Your perception of how society should be is not unanimous yet, there are people that think differently"

Sooo... does that fucking statement apply to fucking conservatives at all? Like, imposing your views on abortion, gays, immigration, etc. on everyone in the country?

Could you clarify which type of immigration you are talking about? You don't like legal ? How about this? you like?

Affidavit of Support
What is an Affidavit of Support?

An affidavit of support is a document an individual signs to accept financial responsibility for another person, usually a relative, who is coming to the United States to live permanently

I was there - it was really just sort of sad. To see about 25 grown, and most likely college-educated adults parading around in a circle banging pots and pans was anything but inspirational. I fully support the right to protest, and assemble - but this had to be the most misguided, ill-conceived, childish display that this election process has produced to date.

A protest should have a goal of inspiring or facilitating change - this was just another chance for the "not-my-president" crowd to gather with other like-minded folks and have a little group therapy session. Nothing was accomplished and it probably could have been held in someone's living room.

And once again, a group that is hyper-focused on diversity managed to assemble the least diverse gathering in Roslindale (again, about 25 middle-aged white folks). And that point should not be lost. Instead of holding protests demanding inclusion and diversity, I wish these folks would wake up and organize an event to celebrate the diversity that is already present in Roslindale. Something like a "Celebrate Roslindale Day" would actually inspire our neighbors to come out - and guess what - our diversity would come too.

But instead, they will most likey continue to have these small echo-chamber gatherings where they can "feel good" about themselves and their ideas while ignoring the fact that by doing so, they are sitting in a room with almost zero diversity.

As evidence, I present every photo above. Does the makeup of that group present an accurate representation of all Roslindale residents? or does it look more like wellesley? Exactly.

Time to change tactics.

Or whatever that museum piece was, were you?

I was there, too. Thought it was fun. But to answer your broader question, no, not every action has to be the Women's March. Yes, they were speaking mainly to themselves, and the no doubt bored cops in their cruisers, but so? Sometimes, you do just want to get out with some like minded people. It can be uplifting and, yes, empowering, to know you're not alone.

Don't fret, there'll be bigger protests, where Actual Media shows up instead of just some blogger from a couple miles away.

You're right about the diversity of Roslindale. Maybe if this had more advance notice than a couple of posts on Facebook and here a few hours before the event ...

"bored cops" - sweet comment. You mean the ones who had to be present because of a poorly organized "protest" that promised to "make some noise" on a Tuesday night at 9:00?

and if there was actually some sort of counter protest (not that there would be) and the police were not there - they would get tons of criticism.

no win situation

Maybe people would be happier if they brought back the old TPF for such occasions !

Adam, no I saw that ol' beater though. I was out for a run and left before they started blasting the speech. Also ineffective I guess. Also, i think they need an oil change - mother-of-gawd.

I wish these folks would wake up and organize an event to celebrate the diversity that is already present in Roslindale. Something like a "Celebrate Roslindale Day" would actually inspire our neighbors to come out - and guess what - our diversity would come too.

Such a day exists, it's the annual Roslindale Day Parade. If you would like something in addition, why don't you get off UHub and plan it yourself instead of internet quarterbacking?

Rob, my point is that if inclusion and diversity are the goals, the event was a failure. I celebrate Roslindale's diversity everyday by choosing to live there - and attending the parade. If these folks actually want to broaden the group - and more importantly, the discussion (instead of banging pots and pans together like toddlers) they should celebrate the things that make Rozzie great, instead of ineffective "protests" like this.

Again - grown adults banging pots and pans together. let that sink in.

While I am no fan of our new president, this little protest seems more sad and cringy than anything. These are the people who move the bible to the fiction section of the library and chortle about it for weeks. All within their rights as Americans to spend their time banging on pots, but I feel a certain sense of embarrassment for them just watching the video.

Old tradition passed down by my mother, open the back door to let the old year out, open the front door to let the new year in, banging on pots while doing it.