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Do you think anybody was having lunch at Durgin-Park when the molasses tank exploded?

Indian pudding at Durgin-Park

One last Indian pudding (made with molasses) at Durgin-Park.

Time to pour one out for Durgin-Park, the Boston landmark that opened in 1827 and closed last night, after serving its last prime rib, baked beans (in a bean pot) and Indian pudding, after the New York company that's owned it since 2007 decided it was never going to make money again.

The waitresses long ago left behind their trademark surliness, but you could see some of the oldtimers in a large photo on a wall of the first-floor entrance:

Old-time staff at Durgin-Park

Leading the way to the photo was a see-through refrigerator for all the meat destined for prime-rib dinners:

Meat at Durgin-Park

Last week, after news spread of the imminent closing, people began lining up for one last lunch:

In line at Durgin-Park

We sat next to a guy who ordered just a bowl of clam chowder by which to remember the old place after it was gone.

Dining at Durgin-Park

Long before it became fashionable, Durgin-Park had an open kitchen:

Kitchen at Durgin-Park


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How do you make your indian pudding at home?

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The Durgin-Park recipe for Indian Pudding got published in Yankee Magazine decades ago. I have made this every Christmas for years, and it always turns out well. Be prepared - it really does require overnight or at least all-day cooking.


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Thank you!

a) Why do the ingredients require baking seven hours?

b) What version can be prepared taking less hours of baking?

Kind of a form of polenta!

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a) Because that's how long it takes.
b) No version.

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There are canned versions available. I have no idea if they're any good.
Pier 4 used to serve it also, absolutely delicious.

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Figure it out with an instapot. You'll be famous.

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Go to the blog mentioned and scroll down to find the recipe: https://www.universalhub.com/2019/old-school-durgin-park-waitress-rememb...

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In 2019, they would have to make a new version called Spicy Hot Tropical Fruit Indian Pudding, remove the molasses, substltute corn syrup 150 grams of 'sugar' per serving. They could make an 'organic' version with sustainably sourced organic soy ice cream product.

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on the menu

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