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Climate protest: Handmaid's Lobster Tale on the Congress Street Bridge

Red Lobsters at climate protest

Extinction Rebellion shut the Congress Street Bridge at rush hour this afternoon in a protest over climate change. Among the protesters: Women dressed as lobsters (photo by Chris Walton).

H/t EastieStrong for the headline.



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As my dear old dad would say.

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But, interestingly, even Margaret Atwood, who wrote the book, literally, is disavowing claims about President Trump and the Handmaid's Tale. She was interviewed by Esquire's Amy Grace Loyd. A quote, "People are saying Trump is re-creating Gilead. That’s not true. If it were, we’d not be having this conversation," she said. "He’s not even a particularly Gileadean figure..."


PJ is quite reputable. They have the background story and it's quite verifiable.

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He's not jailing his political enemies Yet, but when people question him he accuses them of treason and gets his idiot followers all worked up. These things are only going to get worse and he'll never leave the WH voluntarily. After he dies his half wit supporters will want his attractive daughter to be queen.

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41 Climate Change Predictions made

41 Climate Change Predictions ALL FAILED

You are gonna need more dancing lobsters to overcome that problem.... cause you are not going to get much more than dancing lobsters to sign on for prediction 42. Or maybe some kids. Kids are naive enough to fall for things.


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Breitbart. That’s just... perfect. Let us know when you’re ready to re-engage with reality.

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Breitbart. That’s just... perfect.

Look Chumley... when there is a serious issue at hand, the first side to dress up as lobsters loses.

Do people show up to childbirth as dancing lobsters? Were there dancing lobsters at Normandy? Can you think of one serious instance of a dancing lobster helping in ANY way but to point out insanity of the wearer?

41 failed predictions are 41 failed predictions no matter who posts them. Perhaps you need dancing lobsters to help process? mmmmmm?

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Dancing lobsters.

Normandy? Um, no.
Friggin Congress St. bridge on a Friday afternoon? NO.

Rockland, Maine in July/August? Hey, why not.


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Here, have some reality. According to this quite real chart, the sea level trend for Boston amounts to just under a foot in the next century.


Don't worry, it's not President Trump's NOAA. The image is a couple of years old.

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I'm just wondering if the people who repeat ad nauseum:

  1. "the Science is Settled"
  2. or there is
    "Scientific Consensus"

Actually know how science is done [in the absence of let's say "political Science"

Back in the day before renovation a few years ago -- a famous lecture hall at MIT [10-250] had wooden seats with wooden backs -- there was lots of graffiti which had been carved into the seat backs by students who had [they thought] clever things to say which they were sure posterity would appreciate

Two graffites however deserve mention in this context [although I don't know the precedence of them]

Plotting is a Communist Science

Science is a Communist Plot

The recent "Outbreak" of Insane Climate Catastrophism driven or at least exemplified by the "poor little" Scandinavian Princess at the UN and her "Trashing" of the Majority of the Developed World --

"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words”

Rather why not make a statement like -- Well you grown-ups have made a mess -- my generation will now have to grow-up and lead the planet to a brighter, safer and more environmentally sound future -- No one would be opposed to that.

But -- No someone put her up to being close to a character in the 1984 film "Children of the Corn"

A young couple is trapped in a remote town where a dangerous religious cult of children believe everyone over the age of 18 must be killed.


Now we have dancing lobsters and statements in reply to serious criticisms of the "Frolicking and Cavorting Crustaceans" such as:

"Will NOAA do?
By dmcboston on Sat, 09/28/2019 - 2:07am.
Here, have some reality. According to this quite real chart, the sea level trend for Boston amounts to just under a foot in the next century. Don't worry, it's not President Trump's NOAA. The image is a couple of years old.

The answer is of course -- No NOAA will not do as a Oracle -- especially a plot which is "a couple of years old" -- why not the first one produced by NOAA or even a predecessor agency a generation ago?

The gist of course is that

"Science is NEVER settled"

-- it sometimes pauses on the side of the path to rest and sometimes recoup -- but it ultimately goes forward -- or backward as the case may be toward a better and more thorough understanding of the universe around us.

No real scientist would ever publish a plot of trends in sea level rise being extrapolated forward 100 years -- without a massive disclaimer and ideally to be self contained high explicit "Error Bars" on the prediction. Essentially the "Error Bars" are an admission that there are uncertainties in the measurements or the models which I know make my presentation uncertain. However -- the Error Bars are actually a challenge to the same scientist or some future scientist to see if there are as yet unknown uncertainties which can be found by changing the apparatus, the equations or the computer models. In real science that is a never-ending quest.

As an example take a look at the famous NOAA National Hurricane Center -- "Cone of Uncertainty" for the next few days on a pick your favorite tropical system -- then take a look a few days later at the actual track of the Hurricane -- sometimes they get it right -- and then sometimes a total miss [e.g. the now infamous trend of the "Alabama Hurricane Dorian"]. In some cases the final track is not even anticipated by any of the dozens of predictive models [the Spaghetti Plot]

Note for the Scientifically Challenged: [especially those unfamiliar with Fluid Dynamics] the very same equations that predict the Hurricane provide the output which is then reprocessed to yield the expected Sea Level

Second order Note: -- the Same equations govern the motion of ships through the water - and even with the best models and Uber Super Computers -- the Navy still builds quite big models and tows them through a tank before settling on the hull design.

If you are that gullible -- that you would believe the Sea Level on Morissey Blvd in the year 2120 could be predicted 5 years ago or even 25 years from now --- I would suggest [in an no-advisory role of course] that you might want to invest in Bitcoin the next time its down around 6,000 as it relatively recently was well after it was near to 20,000 --- there are plenty to people who will predict that it will double to 40,000 or more in the next few year.

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My football coach hated sharing the field with the soccer team and called soccer a communist plot to undermine the youth of America.

Fast forward a few decades.

It worked!

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Nope, you're right. The science on this is not "settled" in the same way that gravity and evolution are both still theories. But it is settled *enough* that it's time to start making policy, and it is unlikely that the major points of our understanding (that the earth is warming, that human actions are causing it, and that this is going to have a meaningful impact on our existence) are going to change significantly in our lifetimes.

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Then choose your words with greater caution, because you're bringing serious amounts of contempt on yourself.

By Nowy Liberté on Sun, 09/29/2019 - 9:10am.

I'm just wondering if the people who repeat ad nauseum:

"the Science is Settled"

or there is

"Scientific Consensus"

Actually know how science is done [in the absence of let's say "political Science"

Yes. We do.

And phrases like "the science is settled" and "scientific consensus" is a gentle reminder that our knowledge of the greenhouse effect comes from over 150 years of work by thousands of scientists, and if you want to UNSETTLE the science, you need to have some evidence to offer, and random crap from Breitbart just won't do.

But -- No someone put her up to being close to a character in the 1984 film "Children of the Corn"

If you're referring to Ms. T's mannerisms, stay off the MIT campus. Visting there might cause you more of a fright than your delicate constitution can handle.

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Have to source reputable outlets... some that come to mind are, in no particular order:

Washington Post
New York Times
Huffington Post
Mother Jones
Memes from Occupy Democrats
Blatherings from experts like Alyssa Milano, Madonna, anyone on the View, etc.
Contributions from Ocasio-Cortez and “The Squad”
Commentary from that lovely Congresswoman who said to “impeach the MF’er”

Without referencing bulletproof sources like those, you don’t stand a chance...

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Breitbart is full of

Stuff they make up

If you read it regularly, it will lower your IQ by forty points. Your choice.

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Like, for instance this paper, "Quantification of ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O2 and CO2 composition"

But, don't continue quoting it because, well..."Nature paper on ocean warming retracted"

So, who do you believe, Breitbart or your climate mistake makers?

Your choice. Choose wokely.

Meanwhile, the smart ones are buying ocean front villas on Martha's Vinyard.

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Do you not understand how science works? Saying "Peers pointed out that we got some of our math wrong, so we're going to go back and correct it" is not equivalent to "Some of the math is wrong here, so that invalidates everyone else who is doing science that points to similar conclusions and means the exact opposite is true!"

The scientific method self-corrects far better than any other means of increasing human knowledge that we have ever come up with. Not because scientists are incapable of error, but because scientists are expected to review and confirm and, if necessary, correct findings, and be open and willing to re-examination.

Sports analogy!
Even the very best Major League baseball teams make dozens of errors each season. Even the best Golden Glovers make errors. It's not a single play (or even a single game) - it's the aggregate of performance that shows us who's doing the best.

That's why your cherry-picking is simplistic and misleading. Whether that is intentional or not I can't say for sure, but I'm not inclined to take you seriously given your use of an uncredited graph (apparently spoofed - I couldn't find an original version) and your weird, personal and inflamatory attacks on a young girl (with a picture that is, what?, supposed to make us scared of young teens sitting awkwardly on a couch? Oh the horror!)

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your weird, personal and inflamatory attacks on a young girl

your personal and inflamatory attacks on a weird girl

There, fixed.

She is antifa. You cannot join a political machine most equal to modern day nazis and expect to be given a pass for age. Are teenage nazis a cute social thing now? Is that a thing?

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It's really funny that you think your rewording absolves you of wrongdoing. Even if she is a "weird girl" you still think it's ok to attack her personally because...she wants us to stop destroying the environment?

Also weird that you can expect anyone to believe that antifa, which is far from an organized movement, is the "political machine most equal to modern day nazis." I mean, you've got white supremacists in the white house. Their followers are mowing down jews and brown and black people right here in the good ol' USA! But for you, somehow, the anti-fascists are the REAL nazis. You're...something.

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Even if she is a "weird girl" you still think it's ok to attack her personally because...she wants us to stop destroying the environment?


It is because she is antifa.

Her environment nonsense is SOP for antifa nazis.

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It is because she is antifa.

She sounds pretty fuckin' rad if it's true she's anti-fascist.

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It is because she is antifa.

You are out of your mind in so many ways it beggars description. Get help.

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No, really, I'm not kidding. She's been brainwashed by her leftie parents, these two clowns...



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Why would you be against antifascists... unless you identify with the fascists?

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The behavior of the antifascists gets worse than the fascists, it's time to draw a line between me and them too.

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Get back to us when that happens.

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And NOBODY is condoning that either. But the bulk of these guys (and mostly guys) run around chanting and saluting and not much else. In the meantime, the Antifa show up at events and deliberately try to (or actually do) provoke violence. Enough. Everybody. You have the right to free speech. That right ends where other people's noses begin.

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"[When] The behavior of the antifascists gets worse than the fascists..."

Tell me when the behavior of the antifascists got worse than deliberately killing and injuring people by running them down with a car. Go ahead, tell me when that happened.

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Every other protest there has been with the fascists. It's almost always the counterprotesters causing the problems.

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Anti-fascists throw a milkshake or two: "causing problems."

Alt-right/neo-nazi drives into crowd of counter-protesters: "No comment." -Stevil

"Both sides are bad" is a losing argument.

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ANTIFA Radical Killed After Attacking ICE Center in Tacoma With Molotov Cocktails, Sited AOC Rhetoric in Manifesto

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I hope you do. I remember this story, but this wasn't some "antifa" mob.

Congratulations. You found one. I just posted an article with 36 instances of Trump inspired violence and/or threats.

And before you mention what happened to Steve Scalise, surely you remember what happened to Gabby Giffords.

Right-wing extremism is an order of magnitude more of a threat than some counter-protesters dressed in black.

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You know Jack Posobiec is a hack, right?

He can be retarded for all I care. It doesn't make one bit of difference that the molotov cocktail thrower was antifa


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"You think I'm bad?! What about Hillary?"

Are you kidding? These antifa cause problems everywhere they go.

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You show little concern for groups like them and instead point to "antifa" all of the time. It is absolutely pathetic.

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Somehow people against fascism are the real problem?!!!

Real major league logic there, dude. Fascists are the ones putting refugees in camps, stealing their children or letting them die of the flu instead of treating them, literally arresting women in the delivery room, not to mention murdering people in the streets. But some of the people protesting this who call themselves "antifa" are aggressive jerks, so they're actually worse?!

JD, It's fascinating and sad how you fox news sheep have literally been brainwashed to think that a few scattered violent people calling themselves "antifa" makes antifascists "worse than fascists." Notice how that google search link your other flock member posted is all TownHall, Fox Business News, Daily Caller, etc... Not a reputable news source among them. I'm surprised InfoWars wasn't the lead author.

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a few scattered violent people calling themselves "antifa"

A few scattered people is antifas whole entire head count.

Wearing their tee shirt must be really cool to scattered violent people.

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A few scattered people or a violent mob? Which one is it?

Oh, do the Proud Boys next, please.

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Anti-fascist is an english conjunction referring to people who are against fascism, which is most reasonable people! Wearing a t-shirt that says "anti-fascist" should be unobjectionable to any reasonable person who is not a fascist.

But the ones who you refer to when people like you bleat "antifa" are indeed a "few scattered people." Thank you!

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Double Post - Please remove

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'Science's self-correction *adds* strength to consensus findings'

Not sure what that means...does it mean that Michael Mann's tree ring analysis was spot on or total BS? Does it mean there's no need to 'hide the decline'? BTW, how's his lawsuit going? Does it mean that if someone changes raw data, then everyone else is forced to use the cooked data? That ain't science, that's making tacos.

'Saying "Peers pointed out that we got some of our math wrong, so we're going to go back and correct it" is not equivalent to "Some of the math is wrong here, so that invalidates everyone else who is doing science that points to similar conclusions and means the exact opposite is true!"

Wow. I said no such thing. Who are you? Are you an Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) imposter just making up quotes?

'The scientific method self-corrects far better than any other means of increasing human knowledge that we have ever come up with. Not because scientists are incapable of error, but because scientists are expected to review and confirm and, if necessary, correct findings, and be open and willing to re-examination.'

Wish it was true...the scientific community has many people that can disagree, but the 'science is settled' and cannot be trifled with when it comes to the religion of climate impending catastrophe.

Sports analogy!...Major League baseball teams...Golden Glovers make errors. It's not a single play (or even a single game) - it's the aggregate of performance that shows us who's doing the best.

Don't do sports analogies. First, it ain't even close, second, Golden Gloves is boxing.

That's why your cherry-picking is simplistic and misleading.

Posting a graph from NOAA isn't 'cherry picking'. It's citing evidence from a reliable source.

Whether that is intentional or not I can't say for sure, but I'm not inclined to take you seriously given your use of an uncredited graph (apparently spoofed - I couldn't find an original version)

Your lack of search ability doesn't constitute a lack of credibility on my part. The credit for the graph is on the graph. Here's a link to a similar one with an interesting backstory...http://www.globalwarming.org/2016/02/05/satellites-and-global-warming-dr...
Want to play your own games, science lover? Here's a link to a program that is used to generate graphs...https://climexp.knmi.nl/selectindex.cgi?id=someone@somewhere

...and your weird, personal and inflamatory attacks on a young girl (with a picture that is, what?, supposed to make us scared of young teens sitting awkwardly on a couch? Oh the horror!)

Well, she's an antifa superstar. Yay. Not a personal (or inflammatory, learn how to spell) attack on her, but a definite knock on her parents and the other lefties that are using this poor girl to scare the bejeesus out of a generation of teenagers into thinking that the sky is falling. The sky is not falling, we're not all getting cooked this decade and AOC's campaign manager (maybe?) I quoted elsewhere here let the cat out of the bag. It's all about a systemic economic change, climate is just an excuse. I read somewhere that she 'borrowed' the shirt and didn't understand the significance of the antifa reference. Bullshit.

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I even read from my list of bulletproof sources. One side inevitably doesn’t tell the full story... so gotta piece the puzzle together.

This is what media has become nowadays. Good times.

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Many of these dire predictions turned out to be wrong as you note (and not one of these is sourced, norbis Prince Charles a climatologist). The problem becomes that the trend is correct. So no, the Maldives probably won't be underwater in 5 years but probably will in 50 years and certainly will in 100.

And you don't need to go to the Maldives to figure that out. Just go over to the harbor during the next noreaster and stand on the seawall. In years gone by it was almost never breached. Now you need to park your boat where we used to park cars during several storms a year.

And at the end of the day improving our environment is a goal worthwhile in itself.

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That last sentence in particular.

"Oh no! We spent a bunch of money cleaning up our air and it turned out we didn't need to!"

...said no one ever.

And nevermind that much of this money is spent to buy THINGS that people need to be EMPLOYED to make.

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We spent a bunch of money cleaning up our air

We did not "clean up" our air. We stopped our part in the creation of localized concentrations of smog and so-called acid-rain. The clean up was pure dissipation.

We cannot stop weather. Weather happens. A million dancing lobsters cannot change that. We should not stop weather. We should not try to interfere with climate change until someone figures out what the climate should be set at.

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Evidently you don’t subscribe to the notion that maybe we should try to limit our impact on atmospheric CO2 concentrations *just in case* it turns out to actually be a problem.

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maybe we should try to limit our impact on atmospheric CO2 concentration

Cambrian levels of CO2 were 7000 ppm.

Woke me at around 1500 ppm and I will don a lobster costume for the cause.

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Maybe you missed the part where there weren't any human beings in the Cambrian Period. If we get to 1500 ppm, it will probably make us as stupid as the average climate denier.

Note capecodpiece's "clever" use of the word woke.

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CO2 levels in outdoor air typically range from 300 to 400 ppm (0.03% to 0.04%)
can be as high as 600-
900 ppm in metropolitan areas

And near volcanoes too. I can imagine that someday in the future, all news stories will use volcano locations for co2 reports to scare people. .

OSHA sets the co2 limit in the workplace at 5000 ppm.


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From the above link:

“In our field we have always had a dogma that CO2 itself, at the levels we find in buildings, is just not important and doesn’t have any direct impacts on people,” said William Fisk, Ph.D., a co-author of the study and a scientist in the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

“So these results, which were quite unambiguous, were surprising.”

The study, conducted with researchers from State University of New York Upstate Medical University, found that test subjects showed “significant” reductions on six of the nine scales of decision-making performance at CO2 levels of 1,000 parts per million (ppm) and “large” reductions on seven of the scales at 2,500 ppm

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Especially since the mere act of collectively working toward a goal like this has the positive side effect of employing people doing some fairly high paying jobs.

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Especially since the mere act of collectively working toward a goal like this has the positive side effect of employing people doing some fairly high paying jobs.

Getting into a van for candy might very well score you some candy.

It is the rest of the scheme that worries the rational.

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Especially since the mere act of collectively working toward a goal like this has the positive side effect of employing people doing some fairly high paying jobs.

After spending a good part of the day researching....

So-called "Global warming mitigation" is a multi-trillion dollar industry as we speak. We are producing fiberglass windmill blades faster than we can bury the fuckers.

I do not need governments with guns poking me in the back to comply.

The truly smart and gifted have already made millions off the pipe dream of solar and wind and recyclable tote bags. These lobster dancers and retarded children are bottom feeders who have no real tangible scam to pull off so they take Soros money to play fools. Good for them. I would hate to see them starve. But I ain't gonna entertain their fantasy. That seems to be your lot in life.

(edit) Seriously, if I get put on some government-forced duty to bury windmill blades and tesla batteries, I am gonna be beyond annoyed. I already spend too much freaking time burning paper bags in my fire pit due to you idiots.

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All this research seems to have led you to some truly stupid conclusions. Maybe you should do your research in places that don't base all their information on bullshit. Or maybe you should get someone to help you interpret it, because you're not doing too well on your own.

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I think you're kind of missing the point here. It doesn't really matter if we're switching to renewable energy sources for smart reasons or stupid ones. The point is the whole world IS switching, so if the US decides it's not going to participate in that economy, it means that when Germany and China buy wind turbines, they don't buy them from us, and the relatively high paying jobs required to build them go elsewhere. Meanwhile, as more countries opt to move away from it, the price of coal is relatively flat (and currently declining), and coal mining jobs, which are hazardous and come with all kinds of expensive health effects, continue to disappear because of automation, leaving wide swaths of Appalachia with no source of income and no future.

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They can change. They are not always consistent. There are many variables that can alter the outcome. One volcano can throw enough dust into the atmosphere to block a significant amount of sunlight, thus altering the global temperature average. A spell with minimal sunspot activity can reduce the amount of the sun's energy hitting the planet.
The Maldives? They were supposed to be gone years ago...and yet...another problem is that the woke ones have no clue about basic geology. The planet is always in motion. Slow, but that's what 'geologic time' means. Here's an example. This map from a couple of years ago shows the ocean level's measured changes. So, Boston is getting swamped (at the rate of just under a foot per century) and yet parts of Alaska sea levels are dropping quite dramatically. How? Land vertical movement has a bit to do with it.


"And at the end of the day improving our environment is a goal worthwhile in itself."
I absolutely agree. When President Nixon signed the EPA Act into law, things were bad like in Cuyahoga River On Fire bad. So, progress is good.

The US, without signing the Kyoto Accords, has surpassed the goals that would have been set. That's progress.

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“ The US, without signing the Kyoto Accords, has surpassed the goals that would have been set. That's progress.”

This statement is just completely and totally false. One of the main stated goals of the treaty was a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from every country. US GHG emissions *increased* over that time (thanks mainly to us driving bigger cars and driving them more miles even as the average fuel economy per pound of car increased). Europe took the problem so much more seriously that their emissions somewhat make up for what the US didn’t do, but the growth of the Chinese economy has been so strong that their emissions cancel out that savings despite the fact that their conservation efforts have been considerably stronger than ours.

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...growth of the Chinese economy has been so strong that their emissions cancel out that savings despite the fact that their conservation efforts have been considerably stronger than ours.

Are you taking the marihuana? Here's a nice NPR article for you.


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Not excusing the Chinese here, but we're talking about investments that Chinese businesses have made in other countries, not conservation efforts internal to China itself. Also it's not like US firms (and probably also several European ones) haven't made similar investments. The difference is that we're doing it here in the US too!

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Don't come crying to us when a historical large tropical storm blows north and takes out the Beachcomber parking lot.

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I am a Beachcomber Uber driver.

Shout outs to my Roslindale Engine 53 Beachcomber peeps.

National Seashore erosion has been an issue for 400 years for European types. I would do just about about as much crying about the inevitable as I do for my own aging...... very little. I will, however, cherish the time I had.

No lobster costumes needed to save the Beachcomber. Their fate is costume-proof, and always has been.

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I'm just here to tell you you're a moron, in case the 40th time you read it in this thread is when it finally sinks in.

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Why are you climate-change deniers wasting your time posting comments here? If you're right, you should be taking advantage of all the Florida beachfront property now available at fire-sale prices. I invite you all to put your money where your mouths are. Since you're so convinced that the experts are wrong, you ought to be able to make a killing on all that dirt-cheap real estate. Follow the lead of your 'alternative' experts; surely they're positioning themselves to make massive profits when the climate crisis turns out to be a false alarm, right? Right?

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There are 54,000 Florida waterfront properties for sale right now.

Try to find a single one that has lost value, let alone have a fire sale price.



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Try to find a single one that has lost value

Read some of the first link in my comment. It's all about just such properties.

Here's another one, with info that Zillow isn't going to tell you:

In Florida, Flushing the Toilet Is Threatened by Rising Sea Levels for Tens of Thousands of Homeowners
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I said try to find a single property that has lost value.

Not, link a hysterical article based on lame predictions.

We have had 50 years of failed predictions.

Florida waterfront property value is THROUGH THE ROOF

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There are already thousands of them. Over in LA, here are some more:

Fifteen years after Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana is trying to relocate the Native American settlement of about 100 people on the Isle de Jean Charles, a narrow island that lost 98% of its land over the past six decades to climate change.

Better get in on this land rush before it's all gobbled up by the smarter -than-climate-scientists geniuses who are sure to swoop in on it, since like you, they know the climate crisis is a hoax.

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Native American settlement of about 100 people on the Isle de Jean Charles, a narrow island that lost 98% of its land over the past six decades to climate change.

It was erosion.

Erosion happens. We got a problem with it here on the Cape.

You should have seen this place 400 years ago.

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I’ve learned that the people in the red costumes are the Red Rebel Brigade - a performance, protest group with origin in the UK.

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I hope the police moved them out in a hurry. Think of all the carbon emissions because of the traffic tie-up.

It ain't about the climate, it's about socialism. Here's a quote from noted economist and novice Rep. AOC's former chief of staff, “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Basically, they're just a bunch of lefties.

Here's their latest child prodigy, the ocean going, millionaire's yacht riding hero...she's an antifa all star.


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Love the hairdoo, future world leaders.

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Let's see your picture, you shriveled old fart.

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This shows how little that they know about Climate

We're not being plunged into boiling water -- its supposed to be

  1. Frog in pot of water -- very happy
  2. heat is turned-up water water heats -- frog still very happy
  3. water eventually boils -- too late to jump out

So gradual a process that the frog never notices it

That's the scenario the UN has been peddling for 20+ years to gullible scientific illiterates

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Why is it that whenever a story like this is posted late at night, the comments fill up with right wing reactionaries overnight? Don't you psychos have anything better to do at 2am?

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As long as mom is still paying for electricity, they will still have nothing else to do on a Friday night.

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As long as mom is still paying for electricity, they will still have nothing else to do on a Friday night.

It stands to reason that those who rely on others to pay their electric bills would tend to be in favor of dancing lobsters and mentally imbalanced children to save the planet.

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The Russian trolls are awake in the middle of our night, earning their pay. That's the first shift. Then the second shift comes on, as shown below.

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You woke us.

So, is there an intelligent discussion buried in that comment or just your typical lame-ass insulting bullshit?

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Nah, I'm good. Please, continue attacking a teenager and regaling us with cherry picked data points about how we're actually not cooking ourselves to death.

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Started out with, "Nah, I'm good. Please,
By ZachAndTired on Sat, 09/28/2019 - 11:19am.
Nah, I'm good. Please, continue regaling us with Breitbart stories about how we're actually not cooking ourselves to death."

...to which I would respond with something along the lines of NOAA charts (clue, not cherry picked, and way better than a lame insult)* that aren't from Breitbart.

But since you changed it to my appearing to ...continue attacking a teenager... then I'll roll with that. You leftie clowns put her on a millionaire's yacht, pumped her full of bullshit then paraded her all over the damn planet. Maybe her parents should be charged with child abuse. She belongs in school, not going around scaring the shit out of impressionable teens with insane nonsense about how we've only got a decade to live.

Here, have someone interpret this for you, or just remain totally closed to reality. Clue, the reality are the measurements, not the computer extrapolations.


* So, friend, how did that whole Russian collusion thing work out for you?

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You win, man. You've totally convinced me! I'd love to keep chatting, but I have to go roll coal at a Prius and burn down some trees. DRILL, BABY, DRILL!

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She belongs in school, not going around scaring the shit out of impressionable teens with insane nonsense about how we've only got a decade to live.

Her insane nonsense took a lot of effort from a lot of people.

Here is how to undo it in 25 seconds.

Me: "Kids, give me your phones. No more phones. We need to save the planet".
Kids: (quite panicked) "That isn't going to save anything! They hardly matter! They are so insignificant!"
Me: "Yeah, remember what you just said. Repeat it often. Next time you try to sell me socialist garbage I am going to keep you from driving till you are 18 in the name of saving the planet."

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Is it racist/sexist, etc to cast dispersions towards those with non-leftist views who reply to articles at a time of night which you deem inappropriate? And there was some name calling in there...

I feel marginalized and offended. I’m going to protest on the Congress Street bridge later if anyone needs me.

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The Reds, literally in this instance, have hijacked the climate change movement. It isn’t about climate change, it is about transferring wealth from the producers to the non producers.
I’m still waiting for the “new” ice age Time predicted in the 70’s.

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Have you tried holding your breath? You should.

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I am as concerned about climate change as the next person, but pretentious dancing lobsters solve nothing. It's not even good political theater. These women in their expensive looking, tailored red satin costumes and choreographed moves would be far more effective doing grassroots work that would help effect real change. But I suspect that's too grubby and unglamorous for them. When their little dance routine was over they no doubt retired to their homes in Wellesley and Newton or their college dorms paid for by mom and dad to watch further "woke" TV shows on their large screens or expensive electronic devices.

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The lobsters were only a small part of it. Check out the links AG provided. There's Somerville's "Honk" and a bunch of others.

My question is...did they have a parade permit? If the did, what clown issued it for Congress St. on a Friday afternoon? Seems to me that something this well organized didn't totally fly under the City's radar.

Any answers on this, Mr. Mayor?

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You seem to know a lot about them. Got data? Produce it, or this is just your fevered bigoted crazed imagination.

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is a child of conscience, who was temporarily driven mad (selective-mutism) when her logical developing mind confronted the wide-scale denial of adult-soulless-talking-monkey meatheads not unlike some of the anti-reality posters on here (only I assume those particular dipshits are basically poor, unlike their Koch bro idols). If this planet turns to toast, people like her will have the grace of dying with dignity while everything burns and floods, because she--and people like her--will have a pretty good idea what this project of being alive was potentially about. I only hope Greta gets to move further toward adulthood without being driven nuts by social media.

the rest of you coal-rolling sociopaths will not die with grace, your last thought, when the fires come, will be that Satan has come for you at last.

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That was pretty deep by the way.. and very woke of you.

Greta is a reboot. We’ve seen this show before.

When in doubt, always parade a child around in front of the camera.

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This is the latest indicator that someone's a right-wingnut: the word woke. Only wingnuts use it. They think it's clever, for some reason, but the more they use it, the more ridiculous they sound. I'm sure they can trace it back to some liberal pronouncement, but today, nobody left of John Birch uses it.

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To describe those of you who are woke... you and your ilk are always on top of the latest “in” stories and what can be swept under the carpet...it’s more of a compliment I’d say...

Climate change, the “ok” symbol being racist, impeachment of a president (who isn’t really “your” president I’ve been told) based on someone hearing things that others discussed, the Epstein story falling by the wayside in light of the former stories being more important, etc.

Thank goodness for MSM telling us what to think and what’s important to focus on... the perfect embodiment of the “woke” culture.

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"ilk". "You and your ilk". It's the new "you people".

The Febreze isn't helping, cupcake - everyone recognizes your stench.

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“Woke” is the new “Socialist!” which was the new “Liberal!” Its usage is really nothing more than trying to validate when you’re on the wrong side of, well just about everything.

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Just a good descriptor for those of you who dress up as lobsters and block bridges, parade children around in front of the camera, commence the (roughly) 35th year of climate change hysteria.. and about 65,000 other examples

Definitely the party of “woke”... you should embrace how far ahead of the game you really are.

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Please, everyone knows what it really means. Even you’re not that dumb. It’s an obvious attempt to mock and delegitimize those who believe in racial and gender equality, in social and economic justice, in decent human behavior, and now apparently in science. Thing is, it also tells the world a lot about you and what kind of person you are.

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and now apparently in science

0 out of 41 predictions.

Pay attention.

Being a woke "person of science", you sure are in a bind with the new prediction. AOC says what, we all die in 12 years because, you know, science.


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Ok, maybe you really are that dumb. Shall I go cherry pick 41 predictions that did come true, then rant about how they were right every single time? Do you see what Breitbart did there?

I won’t bother. Reason and critical thought are lost on you.

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Do you see what Breitbart did there?

Breitbart listed 41 failed climate/ecological predictions that scumbags like AOC currently use to scare kids and less-intelligent adults.

AOC says we have 11.5 years until the end of the world due to climate change.

you are all like "Me and AOC use the science". You both use fail.

Shall I go cherry pick 41 predictions that did come true

None came true, Einstein. That is the point. The planet is still here, doing swell.

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Doing swell? Tell you what, let’s talk about it over lunch at Liam’s. I’ll buy.

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I'm glad to hear that nobody of consequence uses "woke", because, strictly speaking, it's terrible grammar and doesn't sound good. Even though I am aware of the vernacular from which it comes, I'm sorry, it still does not make it good grammar. As an LGTBQ person I have a similar issue with the ubiquitous appropriation of the word "pride" (or "Pride"). People say "Happy Pride" which is jarring to the ear. It's like saying "Happy Joy" or "Happy Envy".

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I'm still not sure what "woke" is supposed to mean. Makes 0 sense to me that this ever became a thing. Where did it start? Sorry to get so off topic but no one has ever explained "woke" to me.

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the more they use it, the more ridiculous they sound.

Oh noes. I don't want to sound ridiculous, sir. Maybe you can teach me cool things to say so you will like me.

(Leftists really think like that?)

I always figured lefties hated being called woke because of their white guilt.

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It's past time. Block function. The stench of the right-wing counterfactuals is ruining this site.

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That’s a new one. I like it.

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It's past time. Block function. The stench of the right-wing counterfactuals is ruining this site.

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