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Cell phones across Boston to blare emergency alert around 5 p.m. about coronavirus
By adamg on Mon, 10/26/2020 - 3:06pm
The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency reports it will be using that phone emergency notification thing to people in Boston and a number of other communities that they are now in high-risk Covid-19 communities and get those masks on and those hands washed pronto, starting around 5 p.m. Just in case you didn't already know.
Free tagging:
Maybe some of the myriad
Maybe some of the myriad maskless dickheads I see in my neighborhood on a daily basis will finally get the message.
they're keeping their distance from other people, there's no reason those "dickheads" need to wear masks at all times while going about their business outside, much less any evidence that they're causing the disease to spread.
That's a big (and incorrect)
That's a big (and incorrect) assumption.
Would love any evidence
to support your claim. It's not an "assumption" that there's no reason to wear a mask at all times while outside - that's literally our state's guidance. Where's the evidence that outdoor transmission is driving a significant number of cases?
given the topic of this post
why would that be anyone’s assumption?
I bet you wear a mask when
I bet you wear a mask when you are driving in your car by yourself.
why the fuck does anyone care
whether or not i’m wearing it while i drive? i had someone chase me while beeping and flashing, telling me to take mine off. sometimes i forget i have it on - how does that affect you?
Nope. I'm just disappointed
Nope. I'm just disappointed that so many people not only won't take even the smallest measures to stem the spread of a global pandemic that's killed hundreds of thousands of people, but think those who do are pussies. But fuck me, right?
Masks outside
There's no evidence that people catch COVID-19 from someone outside jogging or cycling without a mask. If you're in a crowd anywhere or indoors, wear a fucking mask. But if you're outside and moving you're not going to infect your neighbors unless they are running alongside you. You need to be in close proximity to a person for more than a few seconds to be an actual threat.
but let’s be realistic
and acknowledge that a venn diagram depicting people who refuse to wear masks outside and those who aren’t nearly strict enough about their indoors mask wearing etiquette would overlap too much for comfort
Six feet of separation
If you are routinely passing or being passed by people at less than that distance, mask up.
Now that the weather has cooled, I pretty much wear mine all the time outside when biking or hiking.
Masks should become more popular as winter approaches
They help keep you warm outdoors!
It's better not to handle
It's better not to handle your mask too much as you can contaminate your hands. So, leaving it on while you're driving can be a good idea rather than taking it off and putting it back on again.
If you're traveling between places where a mask is required
that's what you're supposed to do.
Yeah, I'm sure all these
Yeah, I'm sure all these people need to stop being a-holes is for their phone to play a hideous noise once on a Monday.
Getting the message isn't
Getting the message isn't something does well. Just glance at our checkered past
Sign Up Here
to receive the alerts
Where do I sign up to make
Where do I sign up to make sure my phone is in the freezer at 5 pm?
Maybe a more targeted message
Blast Charlie Baker's phone with a message that having gyms and indoor dining open is a colossally stupid idea
Nobody is making you go to
Nobody is making you go to the gym or restaurant.
but we live amongst those that do
Do you need to have the words pandemic and contagious explained to you. If the only person that this behavior was threatening was the person doing it, I'd say go nuts, let darwin take over but that same asshole not being careful will go to the supermarket after the gym, the gas station after the restaurant, the T, home to their elderly in-laws and spread what they've caught. The virus is shut down in New Zealand because they isolated long enough for it to die out - twice. It needs a host to stay alive and spread. We are helping it do that. Do you know what they're doing today in New Zealand? Whatever the hell they want - they're safe. Still being careful though - just takes one asshole to ruin things. MA has had ONE DAY since March where no one has died because of this. Pretend those people are important too.
Following months of silence
Following months of silence MEMA finally crawls out of the bunker to annoy everyone with EAS alerts after they failed miserably by not having any state owned stockpiles of PPE despite a hefty budget.
Why do these people still have jobs again?
User location based on what?
As far as I know, cell phones are not municipal location specific so how does MEMA decide who to send the alerts to?
Is it billing records from cell phone companies? Is it the current location that the user is sending to the cell phone towers? What about those that do not have a cell phone, do they get an alert?
Does anyone know for sure?
It goes by which cell tower
It goes by which cell tower you're connected to at the time the alert goes out.
That cant be right
I have both my cell phone in front of me, only one went off.
It’s 5:32 and here in Fields Corner...
No alert
A friend in Somerville's Ten Hills got one for Malden
which is pretty far away from where she lives. Surely there are many cell towers between her and the Malden-Medford border.
if true, but Ive heard stories of local gyms not effectively enforcing the mask policy. which makes a lot of sense, if you think about the people who are in the gym a lot more than other people not wanting to be uncool
really glad
really glad I got off the gym thing
Also me: Ordering new pants online cuz the ones from the spring shrunk in the dryer!
Cost of Gym Memberships
We already own a CrashB leftover rower, but wanted an additional option with more goodies than our 2003-vintage fluid trainer. Given the cost of cancelled gym memberships, we have added a new Kicker Core to our indoor torture collection.
It takes up little room, uses our existing road bikes, and we can put the rides up on the TV for greater immersion in the fake inside ride environment.
We don't have a lot of space, but make it work. If you can do so, it might be better to invest in some gear rather than spend money on a gym. There are compact weight training set ups if you are so inclined, too. You just have to lurk to find deals.
People are going to start
People are going to start ignoring/blocking these just like they did the with bogus Amber Alerts (which usually were just custody disputes).
Got *two* alerts around 5:30...
...one for COVID and one for snow squalls! I think my zipcode has been hacked :-)
It might snow on Friday
but why send out that warning four days in advance?
How obnoxious can MA possibly
How obnoxious can MA possibly be.
This was a fail
The missus got one, in Spanish, which is perhaps her fourth best known language. She wants to know what’s up with mascara and what it has to do with COVID.
Meanwhile, no message for me. I’m gonna stop washing my hands from now on.
The alert went off while I was driving down the MassPike and my phone was Bluetoothed to the car speakers. So loud, it almost scared me half to death. Yes, the message is obviously important, but is the klaxon alarm really necessary or helpful?
Very annoying noise.
I thought the neighbor’s fire alarm was going off.
I certainly didn’t need two of these.