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Small group of Nazis hold standout outside closed Jamaica Plain church

Amy reports blackshirts from the anti-Semitic National Social Club showed up this afternoon in front of the closed Blessed Sacrament Church on Centre Street this afternoon and were promptly confronted by people from the leftist/anti-fascist Lucy Parsons Center across the street.

Waltham Night's Watch reports there were a few more Nazis than they've gotten at recent conclaves - maybe 15 or 16, compared to their usual 8.



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So why are the white supremacists constantly also oh-so-coincidentally against “communists”? It’s a real head-scratcher.

[^also anti-Semitic, homophobic, and misogynistic]

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Racists have been using “anti-communism” as a cover since the Civil Rights era

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...or, as I said when the Commie dogwhistles came out after Obama was elected, "Red is the new black."

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In late 20s/early 30s Weimar Germany, the German Communist Party was a large and growing movement. Some of the Nazis' early success involved convincing ordinary Germans that the Commies were a greater threat. Sort of a "you'd better vote for Hitler now or you'll get Stalin later" sort of thing.

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they were half right. Or was that right for half of them?

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I hate Jamaica Plain Nazis

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There were NOT good people on both sides. Either side as a matter of fact.

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Are you comparing volunteers from a book store to neo nazis?!

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I'm comparing anarchists who have painted "All cops are Derek Chauvin" on the side of their building to neo nazis.

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...finding that comparison absurd, one hopes, because it is. You may not like the sentiment, but it IS their building, and it isn't tantamount to throwing people in concentration camps.

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They send them to Siberia.

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The Lucy Parsons Center sends people to Siberia? Damn, that's news!

The only person sending people to Siberia now, and for a long long time, is Vladimir Putin.

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No Nazis have sent anyone to concentration camps since 1945. What I'm saying is both of these sides are haters. Original point--There are not good people on either side. I stand by that. The rest of this conversation is obfuscation.

One is like the other, not their historical hologram. Opposite sides of antisocial hate.

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It's a false comparison, son. Communism was not created with genocide at its heart. Nazism has no other purpose.

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do A LOT for the community and we are lucky to have them! Even if you don't agree with them, they are wonderful community members.

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The Lucy Parsons Center used to be in Central Square Cambridge.

They paid their market rent on time, every month. Never an issue.

Give them credit for working to change peacefully as opposed to Nazi pig losers.

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which had a variety of locations over the years, but was once in what later became the Keezer's building on River Street.

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that none of our terrible drivers ever hit these fucking Nazis while they are standing on a sidewalk. And I'm not even sorry for thinking that; these scumbags are hoping to gather enough lost souls to start committing genocide against Jewish people. These aren't "super happy fun" assholes, these are true believers.

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Are there are any photos or news stories or just tweets?

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Is this not the news story?

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They're yelling quite near where I live, I'm not taking photos. But I can tell you they did shout "Jews will not replace us."

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Shouldn't we have zapped them by now?

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Years ago I knew a co-worker who was sweet and nice. But one day left me feeling sad because she actually believed in the mental goop that is part and parcel of anti-Jewish bigotry.

It's a disease. Bigotry in general is a disease but seems to be particularly virulent where Judais is concerned.

Some folks just need to hate apparently. Maybe if we move to equating mental health with physical health, seeing hate as much a social illness and so to be treated as an illness needing treatment if not cure, will help in the future.

But right now it seems that the disease of bigotry and hate is especially running feverish and hot. A cancer in the body fo the nation.

Irony: One of the advertisements on Universal Hub when I looked at the news is "Where is the True Church." For yet another religious group, "The Restored Church of God."

I would imagine that God is pretty much done with the never ending reinventions, restorations, renovations, new and improved religions! I can imagine God just laughing at all the hoo-ha of It's devout worshippers. God probably wonders how is it that these folks have so much time on the hands to be running around inventing new churches and whatnot?

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I would imagine that God is pretty much done with the never ending reinventions, restorations, renovations, new and improved religions! I can imagine God just laughing at all the hoo-ha of It's devout worshippers. God probably wonders how is it that these folks have so much time on the hands to be running around inventing new churches and whatnot?

It's a mistake to believe that religion has much of anything to do with it. Religious belief has tremendous energy and is ripe for exploitation -- but in the end, with these movements it's about identity, not belief.

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