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We were supposed to leave the Insurrectionist in Chief's young son alone, but somehow it's OK to taunt the mayor's young sons

The Brigade of Angry Spitters who now gather every morning outside Michelle Wu's house are not above taunting her young children.

In response to somebody who said Wu should stop calling the protests "hate," Wu responded today with some examples - including the particular taunt they used yesterday, on her birthday:

To have a chance at healing & building community, we can’t keep normalizing hate.

They’ve shouted on megaphones that my kids will grow up without a mom bc I’ll be in prison.

Yesterday at dinner my son asked who else’s bday it was bc the AM chant was “Happy birthday, Hitler.”

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Is it legal to throw a bucket of water on somebody? Even on a 5-degree morning?

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These people are the lowest scum.

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Would you call them a basket of deplorables?

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and set off car alarms outside their homes every night at 2am.

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Outside of the Mayor's House.


Let it be said, that I believe that these protesters should be doused with neighbor's sprinklers but let's not everyone clutch pearls about these tactics not being used before.

If any of you who supported the Father's Day 2020 protest outside Walsh's house (A lot of you did and he wasn't there which was funny), this is what you have sown.

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I did enjoy reading more of your over-the-top and occasionally misogynistic rants.

I am curious how many of Walsh’s children were threatened during that half-hour protest however…

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Doesn't have children.

Get smarter.

By the way, anyone who threatens a child should be publicly beaten.

Thanks for playing.

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Have you noticed that when it gets so cold you can hear the wings on the airliners ripping through the air, like so many jokes flying over John Costello’s head?

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He’s absolutely right on this one

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If you ever wonder how stuff like ethnic cleansing happens, it's because people like these protesters literally can't see people they disagree with as fellow humans. Truly despicable and depraved.

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Go ahead.

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Protesting is a right.

Assaulting minors is not.

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What, we can't hope to improve our society and how we treat people? How about we don't protest outside of politicians houses when they have very public offices where protests can be made?

Can't imagine why you think what was done to a white Irish American man is the same as what was done to a young child, a real mystery.

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Do racist haters realize they are advertising their ignorance, lack of dignity and education, and stupidity? No class.

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I can't tell if by 'racist haters' you mean the protesters complaining about Wu's race, or the people on the opposite side who are worked up to the point of openly inciting violence against protestors.

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Yesterday at dinner my son asked who else’s bday it was bc the AM chant was “Happy birthday, Hitler.”

I looked up Hitler's birthday and was not disappointed.

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And if you still don't get the joke after looking up which date Hitler was born, I'd say that you truly will never get that joke.

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If not laughing at a Hitler joke made by a racist makes me humorless, so be it.

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I hope I’m gone from this earth well before I start thinking that making, explaining or excusing Hitler jokes is a good use of time.

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Wrong! I was a little disappointed... that Hitler's birthday was not 20 years earlier.

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It's Hitler's birthday duuuuude.

IIRC the date of the Columbine massacre was chosen because it was Hitler's birthday

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Also on Hitler's birthday, a killer rabbit attacked the President of the United States.

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At the City Hall protests, there were signs that Wu should "go back to China."

It's brave of these protesters to eschew the need for white hoods. How long to they blow something up to make a point?

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The children of all politicians, especially the minor children of politicians, should be off limits. It's their parents, not them, who signed up for the scrutiny of politics. Of course, if the adult children of politicians get involved in the political sphere, it's fair game.

Perhaps you could get Rosie O'Donnell to pay a visit to Augustus Avenue and explain to protesters that calling children names just because you have a political beef with their parents is really beneath contempt.

Better yet, the bullhorns at 7AM crowd could just stop acting like toddlers having a tantrum and do their protesting at Government Center.

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Who here is holding Rosie up as an example of how we should conduct political discourse? Also, her show went off the air like 15 years ago. (Or whatever, I'm not looking it up. Just saying that she is irrelevant.)

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No She's not.

First I don't care for her very much, but let's give her credit here.

The reason why her name was brought up was because when she was on The View (and a lesser extent when she had a talk show).. her kids were stalked by crazy people. Repeatedly. To the point where she had to take legal action against them. It got so bad, she had to move homes.

She's very anti gun and vocal about it. We all know how the NRA nutjobs go after people who are vocal about it. (Shannon Watts being another who has had to deal with NRA nutjobs going after her kids)

Your attitude about her is the same as many people's. Some people really hate her. So much to a point where they are vapid. And some, even more, take this to the next level.

We have a serious problem in this country where you'll go after someone's kids because you don't like their opinions. This is NOT OK.. yet we hear stories more and more about this.

People are sick fucks

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I appreciate your input.

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yeah I don't her very much either but she was viciously attacked (as were her kids).

Regardless of what people think of her, she didn't deserve it. She just wants a better future for her kids (which is her reasoning for speaking up so much)

This is the reason why many politicians and leaders do not speak up about gun control. This is exactly what will happen. The NRA nutjobs have made it clear, they will go after anyone who tries.

This has now translated from gun control to 'virus control' (so to speak). So now anyone who tries to do 'the right thing' for virus control now will have to deal with these vapid people.

As I said above, we have a severe mental health issue in this country that has been festering for decades.

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That said, I would again note that while President Trump did have children who were definitely in the public eye, to the extent that they had odd public policy roles in the administration, he also had children who were not in the public eye, including one who was 10 years old when Ms. O'Donnell diagnosed him via twitter (of course) as being autistic. Does a 10 year old deserve that? I'd say that Ms. O'Donnell is a tad more well known than even the header of this confederacy of dunces.

My point being that if Adam was okay with O'Donnell dragging Barron Trump into her political rants, it would reason that these asshats are justified in what they are doing. Me? I was raised different. I don't think kids are fair game in any political fight, mainly because they are kids and not the politicians or whoever that are involved in the fight. The ideology or political stances are immaterial for me.

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can you link to where Adam said it was okay to make fun of Barron Trump?

EDIT: i understand your point a little better now - but it still seems to be a distortion of the headline. having followed national politics pretty closely for a number of years now, i think it’s generally true that we don’t antagonize family members of politicians who generally reside outside of the fray. i think *everyone* here agrees with that.

that said, i think it’s telling that you have to reach for someone so far removed from the national spotlight in Rosie O’Donnell to try to make a general point about civility.

Adam’s point seemed to be that criticism of Trump was often called uncivil on the basis of vitriol toward his family and that is bullshit since most people already agree that you don’t attack non-politically engaged family members. cherry picking from Rosie O’Donnell’s twitter without citing the pushback she received from all corners of the political spectrum seems to only strengthen his point.

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I mentioned the incident Adam alluded to.

The bipartisan decline in civility greatly disturbs me. Having policy disagreements isn’t bad. In fact, I think critical analysis of political stances is healthy, if done right. Making it personal, which is a big trend, is horrible on many levels. Janey made some moves I agreed with, and moves I disagreed with, and my support or opposition had nothing to do with her race, gender, or and other aspect of her as a person. It was the same way with Walsh.

Wu might deserve criticism for whatever it is that is bringing these morons out, but there’s a difference between saying “I am concerned with these vaccines, possible side effects, and the idea of being made to get them” and “Michelle Wu is Hitler.” The former can be the start of a conversation, but the latter closes off any search for common ground.

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…and moves I disagreed with, and my support or opposition had nothing to do with her race, gender, or and other aspect of her as a person

beginning to stray from the topic here. i don’t know you personally, but i do know that we all have implicit biases. what we tend to believe is life as it actually happens is really – obviously – shaped by our experiences.

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My 20 year long opposition to Thomas Menino had nothing to do with him being Italian, white, or male. And yes, my opposition was not so blind as to miss the good things that happened, but bitter enough that every time I pick up a prescription at the CVS where he kept another pharmacy from going, I chuckle to myself.

But to bring things back to the current mayor, I oppose her "free the T" campaign not because she is Taiwanese, Asian, or a woman, but because it's a stupid idea, and in any event as the T is funded by the state it would make more sense for her to work on this on Beacon Hill rather than at City Hall, where revenue sources are much smaller. If Michael Flaherty had started spouting about this, I'd say the same thing.

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You object to the "free the T" campaign (which is not what this current outbreak of incivility is about) but you're otherwise ok? Is there something Wu has done that's relevant to the topic at hand that you also object to?

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I like her as a person and, with the exception of freeing the T and returning rent control, a politician. If not for the veering into the level of policy that is unrealistic, I'd be a big cheerleader of hers, as I was a cheerleader of hers between 2013 and 2018 or so (whenever the T thing started.)

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Did Adam bring defend Rosie attacking Baron Trump previously? The Rosie point feels shoe-horned into this discussion as a straw man otherwise.

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Adam is assuming that these asshats were offended by O’Donnell insulting President Trump’s youngest child. My assumption is that Adam is bringing up that to show that people were somehow wrong to be offended by O’Donnell’s words shouldn’t be because, well, look at how horrible people are on “the other side” are.

At the end of the day, only Adam can explain why he brought up the O’Donnell incident. I’ve been clear where I stand, which is to condemn rather than conflate both.

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Where is the explicit or implied reference from Adam to anything involving Rosie O'Donnell?

If I'm recalling the period of 2015 onward correctly, there were numerous times someone made a frankly unacceptable comment about the youngest Trump child, as well as some times that seemed rather benign but still caused outrage.

Some examples that didn't take much more than a Google search "Baron Trump insult": https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/12/5/20996885/barron-trump-... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/arts-and-entertainment/wp/2017/01/23... https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/jeopardy-star-ken-jennings-apologi...

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At the top of this article.

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We were supposed to leave the Insurrectionist in Chief's young son alone, but somehow it's OK to taunt the mayor's young sons

I’m still not seeing it.

It’s a reference to Barron, yes, unless the former president has a younger son that we actually don’t talk about. I assume you are referring to that Rosie O’Donnell tweet suggesting that Barron is autistic. I’m not making that connection any more than to the other several examples of people saying things related to Barron that they should not have, in the interest of common decency.

I’m trying to see it your way and it’s just not coming through.

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You are not that thick.

That's not an insult. You are insulting yourself if you are truly saying that Adam wasn't referencing that incident.

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But a.) you are reading too much into Adam's headline and b.) you are making an assumption that whatever Rosie O'Donnell/Baron Trump incident you are referring to is common knowledge amongst the commenters here.

Your Rosie reference went over the heads of most of us, including me and Brian, and it is quite possible that Adam wasn't even referencing Rosie because when I Google "attacks on Barron Trump," Rosie doesn't even crack the first page, but John Henson, Peter Fonda, Pamela Karlan, and Katie Rich do. All Adam is saying is that many of the same people who were "outraged" at Henson, Fonda, et. al. are OK with taunting Wu's child. Asserting anything beyond that is conjecture.

Unless, of course, you are a mind reader.

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I’ve been clear where I stand, which is to condemn rather than conflate both.

that you think this stance – one that is shared by most living, breathing people – is one worth sharing

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if Adam was okay with O'Donnell dragging Barron Trump into her political rants, it would reason that these asshats are justified in what they are doing.

Help me understand how that works. Because, as you claim, that one person drags in a son of a former White House occupant, it is okay for other people to do that?

I don't follow the logic.

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Isn't it the same site that gave 1 to a Boston cop who dealt drugs and beat two women in NH?

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They explain how they come up with those IA scores here:


So yes, Andrew Johnson, ACCUSED of trading drugs for sex, assault and attempted rape in NH. But based on his publicly available IA records, he doesn't score too high on IA complaints.


That's like complaining that Pedro is regarded as such a good baseball player even though his batting average is well below that of a typical professional baseball player.

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Charlie Bakers wife was also targeted by nuts at her house. Marty Walsh's house was also targeted. Time to start arresting protestors who disrupt the mayors family. The court will dismiss trespassing and disorderly charges but the Mayor deserves to be free from the festival of fools outside her house.

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Isn’t it “disturbing the peace” for protesters to be on a residential street? Are police dispersing and/or arresting them?

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They do things like waiting to start promptly at 7 am to avoid noise violations and stay on the sidewalk and off the property to avoid trespassing violations.

They're horrible people for stooping to this and I don't know how they don't realize that this sort of thing will make most people view them and their cause poorly, but they are careful to keep within the bounds of what's legal.

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Are they really afraid of noise violations? How many of those did the city issue for fireworks the other day?

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Sometimes noise violations are real--things like bagpipe practice at 5 a.m. in a residential neighborhood--and sometimes it's like the fed prosecuting Al Capone for tax evasion. He knew, they knew, everyone knew that wasn't why the feds went after Capone, but that was what they could prove.

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Happened in the New York subway an Asian woman was thrown into the path of a moving train. Mayor Wu is going to have to have a phalanx of Boston cops ride with her on the MBTA to protect her and her kids from these hate filled nut jobs.

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It's true that public transportation is unsafe in NYC and Boston and more enforcement would help.

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So? Expose the people who are doing this. Protect the children. Don't harm another child just because you're looking for an excuse to do it because you have an irrational hatred of his father.

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No one is proposing that Barron Trump be targeted by anyone for any reason.

Whatever might (emphasis, "might") have happened in the past, Barron Trump is not a target, by anyone, for any reason. No one cares. Disagree? Produce evidence.

Your "Don't harm another child" is pearl-clutching over nothing.

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Adam brought Barron into this, not me by referencing him in the headline. So I guess if anyone is clutching pearls it would be Adam.

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This one is 23 bucks. Hell, I'll buy it for you if you end the Boston Licensing Board. No joke. Message me.


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Are Boston's finest outside of her home taking decibel readings? If the measurement is high enough that proves a noise violation.

Are their counterprotestors? If these folks stand up to edge of the line of the mayor's personal property can counterprotestors do the same - but facing Cottone and her cabal?

Protesting idiots is fun. What is more fun is watching the idiots twirl their eyes knowing they lost the game.

Seriously. This is a form of "gentle, mild" domestic terrorism. Granted, that sounds like an oxymoron; but we don't have a language that describes terrorism which is shy of violence. Harassment just doesn't sound strong enough. Cottone and cabal are trying to impose their will, their version of law on the entire city. They are doing it by trying to intimidate a mayor who was elected.

Even though this is a local incident the whole situation sounds like an attempt at a coup.

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Can they be told by police to move it over to city hall plaza?

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This behavior is disgusting!! It’s funny the people yelling Hitler are the ones acting like Nazis!! Deplorable!

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