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Citizen complaint of the day: Maybe a ticket four feet long would get CVS's attention

Trash at CVS on Centre Street in Jamaica Plain

From one of the 311 complaints.

Over the past three weeks, a disgusted citizen has filed five separate 311 complaints about trash in the parking lot of the CVS on Centre Street at South Huntington Avenue in Jamaica Plain. And the city has closed each complaint with a note that a ticket has been issued "for loose trash and debris."

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Turn the parking lot into something useful like housing and the issue solves itself.

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I mean who cares about the seniors that have to park in that lot to get their meds and other medical needs? They should all be riding bikes!

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The CVSes downtown don't have parking lots, and people seem to use them just fine.

I would be in favor of the city designating more on-street spots for those using an accessible parking placard. Because most of the people traveling in the city can walk, bike, and use public transport, and they should be doing so in a city. More accessible parking would provide better access for those who have to use motor vehicles.

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If JP had the foot traffic and transit network that Downtown had, they'd call it Downtown instead of JP.

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The CVS in Center Plaza just closed earlier this year, and the CVS on Winter Street closed before Covid. I'm not sure that equates to "people seem to use them just fine."

And "more on-street spots for those using an accessible parking placard" in Boston ultimately translates to more people using their grandma's/mom's/aunt's/etc. (dead or not) placard for free parking all day.

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Who are you to tell others what they should be doing?

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Seniors should be driving way, way, way less than they currently do.

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… should be driving way way way less.

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Stop infantilizing seniors. Yes, there is a set of the population with mobility issues (some seniors, many not). Ask those people about their challenges and parking cars will be near the bottom of their list.

That said, I've no idea what any of this has to do with the litter issue being discussed.

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A senior in my family was hit by a driver backing out of a parking lot space.

That CVS is across from a bus stop.

Leave the handicapped parking spaces for those who need them and 86 the rest.

Then clean up that lot and put it to better use.

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I had no idea seniors were such litterbugs.

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Kinopio said way up above:

Turn the parking lot into something useful like housing and the issue solves itself.

They can do whatever they want with it, within reason.

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But you know if my front walk looked like this, I would have a ticket from the city by the end of the day.

You know they are being issued tickets for this and are just paying/ignoring them. Its easier and most cost effective to pay the 50 dollar ticket than it is to pay someone to clean it up.

Want another example where corporations pretty much get a pass... Delivery Vehicles. I wish I had a dollar for every FedEx, UPS, or Amazon truck that had at least one ticket stuck to the dash. Now that may be to avoid getting another ticket, but most of time.. eating a 50-200 dollar ticket is just 'the cost of doing business' and outweighs the battle they will have when a package doesn't show up in its alotted time.

This is why we need seperate city code for businesses so the fines are worth enough for them to take action, and not absorb. You start ticketing these people for multiple offenses that add up to over 5k PER TICKET, and boy they'll take action pretty damn fast.

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Just offer delivery businesses etc. the ability to buy some sort of pass to park in ways that'd otherwise be illegal. The status quo is absurd, there just isn't anywhere for these delivery vehicles to park legally, and there isn't ever going to be.

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There is this thing in other cities ... it is called a Loading Zone - small space reserved for deliveries and quick drops.

It has been around a long time - maybe even longer than cars have.


These zones should exist on pretty much every block. I'm sure some Boston politician could claim to have invented them, despite their antiquity, were they to import this dangerous concept to the local streets.

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… delivery vehicle drivers park in the crosswalks, bus stop and all down the bus lane. They park in the bike lane where the bollards have been mowed down.
Yet across the intersection is an entire block long lane for loading and unloading that is almost always open and is used by businesses on that block. Though their delivery drivers often park in the bus lane there too.
Fine them all up the yin yang and use the money to pay for fare free busses and raised crosswalks.

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I assume he's not talking about picking up the trash, but debating all the posts here that insist CVS should have to get rid of the parking spaces. The usual suspects are coming round to pretend the issue is the existence of motor vehicles on planet earth.

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Yes, that was my intention, but admittedly, my post wasn't clear and have since edited it.

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Sorry, my post was in response to Kinopio's junk waaaaay up above:

Turn the parking lot into something useful like housing and the issue solves itself.

It certainly wasn't clear and I've edited my post for clarity.

As for trash, I've spent enough time picking up all the crap on the 1/2 mile stretch of road near me to want to hang the next person I see throw their shit on the ground.

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It's unclear whether the ticket would be for litter or debris, but, no, you may not have junk piled up in your yard in the City of Boston. Not even "within reason."

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We live in front of a landlocked parcel that's owned by someone who doesn't live anywhere nearby and doesn't take care of it. If you weren't looking at a parcel map, it would look like it was our parcel since it's directly behind us with our driveway ending suddenly at our property line (which is like two feet from the back of the house).

ISD loves to ticket us for the weeds, trash, dumping, etc. that are typically in the parcel. They print out a ticket with our address and a photo of the parcel that isn't ours.

You'd think ISD would use a parcel map when driving around ticketing people for random shit, but you would think wrong.

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LOL-- I'm always a sucker for a good (or even not good) CVS receipt joke.

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What does the lease say? Who's responsible for parking lot trash disposal of slob customers?

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311 is useless.

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A resident complained through 311. ISD came out, verified the claim, and issued a ticket.

The system worked, as far as I can see. If the issue is that the threat of fines is not encouraging businesses to keep their properties clean, then the issue is with the City Council, not with 311.

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This is part of the character of that neighborhood.

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… to pay the fines than to clean up their property.

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Some of my friends got tired of crap from the CVS parking lot blowing into their yard.

So they cleaned it up and dumped into their front entryway.

Hasn't been an issue since.

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Love it!

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It's always "ticket issued, case closed" or "reported to agency X, case closed." They ought to offer to take your name and number and call you back to see if the problem was actually solved. But they do not. Someone in City Hall could, perhaps, call the local manager and ask that the trash be cleaned up.

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I called them trying to address an issue with a city department.

They were using a paper list of who worked in the departments. It was out of date and I was letting them know that people they were telling me to contact no longer worked for the city.

They don't actually do any ombudspersonning/liaising/whatever either. They just tell you to contact the same people who aren't correctly following policies and won't do what the department is supposed to do.

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I see it every day in the city. People litter all the time, both pedestrians and drivers. I thought there were fines up to $500 for littering. There are cameras in these lots and it shouldn’t be that hard to figure out who is doing it. Making people pay would clean up the city pretty quickly. Or even easier, fine the business for improper trash storage. But this all of course would involve enforcing basic laws.

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There is only one place in this city where all basic laws and unlaws are enforced.

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What city is that?

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I'll take Minsk.

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I note that to my knowledge, Notfrom has never denied being a Russian troll.

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LOL, that’s adorable. You think the police are going to enforce littering laws? It’s called having basic human decency and someti,es you just need to make someone aware that they’re a POS by calling it out when you see it.

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As wishful thinking. There are places in this world that exist where fines are issued for littering. I can show you some places to go if you’d like to tell the folks about basic human decency. You might get laughed at or beat up, but since this is your mission, you should totally still try and go for it.

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Gee, I wonder where all that trash comes from?

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