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Workers at two local Starbucks vote to unionize

Starbucks Workers United reports workers at the Starbucks at 1304 Commonwealth Ave. in Allston and 277 Harvard St. in Coolidge Corner both voted unanimously to unionize today.



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I love Starbucks but for the price they charge for products they should be able to provide for a nice union work environment.

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This is great news! Hopefully REI Boston and Cambridge will also unionize the way NY REI did even with all of corporates anti-union propaganda.

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Hell yes! Solidarity!

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owns 12 Dunkies outlets and still drinks New England Coffee.

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Jimmy Hoffa's legacy. Unions are powerful and have a lot of clout. But I think the guys building the big developments and towers are more valuable than a Starbucks worker in the eyes of politicians.

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Oh... the Coffee Connection in Coolidge Corner. Sure... the one that signed the non-compete agreement so they could be substituted with a boring coffee joint.

Now my boy George has a retail outlet in the Boston Public Market, yeah?

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George isn't doing too badly - pre pandemic he had a place in Time Out, and I think the one in Newton is still open. Several of the small places I frequent that don't do Stumptown do the Howell French roasts, which are quite nice.

I do miss coffee connection, spent many days and evenings at the ones in Newton and Newbury Street. We need more local places with some variety and freshly baked goodies (and some vegan offerings too)

Maybe we can stop the non dairy milk surchages everywhere, too? They all last longer than regular milk, and at scale aren't that much more expensive.

Once we're a little further from the Covid surges, would love to see some small cafes doing music again, favorite place for many years was Liberty Coffee house in central square, we need more of that.

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Starbucks I hardly knew ye.

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Hopefully the CEO will et his words once they all get unionized.

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The numerous Starbucks lining the streets will disappear once they all get unionized.

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The *$-on-every-corner business model is probably only sustainable by exploiting the hell out of the workers.

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What’s left will pay their workers decent wages and I don’t have to see five Starbucks every block. Unfortunately, the vacant parcels will probably be taken up by banks.

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I don’t have to see five Starbucks every block

That's some major trauma there.

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I know you don’t suffer similar experiences living out in western MA so your empathy doesn’t go unnoticed.

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It's ok, it's not needed. I have a cafe that's much, much better than Starbucks a short walk from my house, so I don't feel any need to visit Starbucks. Perhaps that's what gives me the perspective so that when I go into the office and walk past five Starbucks in a block, it isn't the traumatic experience for me that it seems to be for you.

(I would go out of my way to spend my money at one of the union shops, though)

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