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The mounting toll of Boston's resumed construction boom
By adamg on Fri, 05/06/2022 - 10:53am
Scott Van Voorhis tallies up the problems at Boston construction sites, following Wednesday's floor collapse at the old South Boston power plant: Six workers have died at construction sites in Boston, Cambridge and Newton over the past 14 months, including the death of a worker at the Government Center Garage demolition in March.
The rush to build luxury
The rush to build luxury housing in the Boston area is killing or injuring workers who could never afford to live in these aforementioned million dollar homes.
It's 14 Years Old...
But this brings your point home.
Edit. Wrong thread.
labor costs
Workers are expensive, competent workers are even more expensive.
It isn't necessarily worker incompetence
Most times it is indifference or outright hostility to the time it takes and the equipment costs of safe work practices.