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But where they keeping the Christmas decorations?

Halloween decorations at Dedham Lowe's

Is it Halloween season already? As Gary C. found out, the Dedham Lowe's thinks so.

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Shaws has its Halloween candy displays up also.

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There should be a law prohibiting holiday displays and advertising until something reasonable like two weeks before the holiday.

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At least one month anyway. Does the current generation not know when holidays are?

DOE needs more funding.

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Personally, I rather like cheesy holiday junk, and Halloween has some of the best. Like the plastic animal skeletons that came in a few years ago. I have a sizable collection of them.

The local Dollar Tree manager told me they have the Halloween stuff and will put it out shortly. I can't wait!

If you don't like it, move on to the next aisle.

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My objection is that by displaying it months ahead of a holiday, it waters down the fun of the actual holiday. By the time the holiday comes around you are bored with it already and feel like you’re gonna tear your hair out if you hear Jingle Bells one more time.
It’s just a tactic by retailers to get us to think we need to stock up early on Halloween candy that we are just going to gobble up before the holiday comes and have to buy again.

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I'm going to sound like a curmudgeon here (more than normal) but I'm sorry to see Holloween become another plastic out-of-the-box junk holiday. Not to say there haven't always been decorations for sale, but it used to be more common for people to make their own displays instead of just buying the entire lawn thing from a store and plugging it in with no effort made apart from taking it out the box.

There are still some people around here who spend a lot of time making a really cool display for their yard. Some are unsettling and a lot are pretty funny or just creative. That's 1000x preferable to buying the big skeleton. (And way cheaper too.)

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I hardly ever see an original handmade costume among the trick or treaters anymore. What’s so creative about choosing a costume off the internet?

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It used to be where we didn't do this. But holiday shopping seasons were shorter. And you it was possible to walk into your local kmart the day before halloween and have a decent selection of costumes and candy for sale. Now? Maybe some face makeup, a few not-your-size costumes, and some 2 or 3 hideous masks.

But this is what gets me. Its like this for every holiday. Try to find an chocolate easter bunny the day before easter, or some garland and some lights in the color you want the day before christmas.. you'd have to go to several (mobbed) stores and probably see more stuff for the next holiday than the one you want. Its silly stupid now and wasn't always like this.

Back then stores sold all the previous holiday stuff on clearance for weeks after. It wasn't uncommon to buy halloween costumes around Christmas time. Or some 80% off chocolate cadbury mini-eggs while you bought some sunscreen on your way to the beach in July.

But what gets me is.. stores were smaller back then, you'd think stores today since they are larger could accommodate more holidays and have stock in things you want the days leading to the holiday... Nah. But stores think me get beach towel and chair on Christmas eve or halloween candy on July 5th are better uses of floor space.

*eye roll*

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Maybe one of the issues of a big box stores is that they are based on quick turnover of massive quantities. Add the belief that offering holiday goods earlier and earlier gives a competitive advantage to stores that don't offer them earlier.

So 1) a big box store can't afford to keep stock around occupying space because they depend on speedy turnover. When stock turnover reaches a threshold on the lower end then it's time to get rid of the stock. 2) If Target sells Halloween stuff now then other stores won't have access to the same consumer base when we approach Halloween.

This becomes a cycle. Sell the Halloween goods now. When enough of those goods have sold then put out the next set of goods. Keep chasing the cycle, keep the holiday profit flowing.

Add that the behind the scenes retail cycle of holiday sales have always happened months earlier. I knew of a fellow who was a quintessential of Santa Claus. Advertising where he played Santa was done in July. Large retail managers seem to figure that since the goods are already available why not just get them onto the shelves now! I don't have experience in this area of retail. When have large stores received holiday goods in the past? If they have to store the goods waiting for the right time to sell then there is a cost to good just sitting on shelves not moving. So put then onto the floor and get the selling going ASAP.

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The big stores sell the holiday crap months in advance and warn if you don't buy NOW NOW NOW, you're going to miss out since stock is limited and everyone is going to want it.

Then they plan for next year by following through and letting the shelves go bare the week of the holiday. See, you should have bought when you had the chance!

Whatever sales are lost from last minute shoppers being turned away will be gained by people "panic" buying early next year.

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...the candy all gets stale.

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heh this has been going on since July 5th on social media.. some people really love halloween and cannot wait for it to start so there's been "can't wait for halloween" or "countdown to halloween" videos all the time.. sigh.

I like halloween like everyone else but sheesh, its not so much the halloween creep that bugs me, its more like that it's a reminder that halloween is a sign that winter is coming. After Halloween it's no more warm-like fall days. No more leaves, they've fallen on the ground weeks ago. It's cold dark rainy Nov days. Then soon after flakes N snow N slush N bone chilling wind. Not in a hurry for that.

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