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Outrage in South Boston over the idea of increasing the number of bike-rental stations
By adamg on Fri, 11/15/2024 - 10:48pm
The Huntington News reports on a community meeting in South Boston last week about plans to add more BlueBike stations, which some residents boisterously declared would hurt families, young children, senior citizens and people in wheelchairs. A possible site next to the neighborhood Vietnam Veterans Memorial was decried as "sacrilege."
I wonder if it's also sacrilege
to have a playground next to the memorial.
The joy and laughter of
The joy and laughter of children is a fitting a fitting accompaniment next to a memorial for those who gave all for our way of life.
If you knew anything about Boston
you would know that the Memorial was built in front of the playground which was there a long time ago when people started having kids.
which some residents
Has anyone opened a smelling salts shop in Southie yet? Cause that's a million-dollar business right there.
It should be mentioned that
It should be mentioned that the Bridget Nee Walsh nut job quoted in the article as being against bikes is the same loser Bridget Nee Walsh who is a piece of crap that spoke out against black lives matters and racial equality and then badly lost a race for Boston City Council.
So if you are anti bike, that is who is on the same side as you. People who value parking over people are the scum of the earth.
election results
She finished 5th out of 8 and is the alternate should any of the 4 at large councilors depart prior to the end of their term (2025).
5 of 8
Fifth of 8, in a race to 4. First loser, then
She lost. Same as Nelson and Vitale.
smelling salts and pearls
Smelling salts and pearls for them to clutch.
These car nuts are a danger
These car nuts are a danger to themselves and the community. Tens of thousands of blue bike trips have been made with ZERO people killed by blue bike riders. Yet?
This lying by dumb, dangerous people has to be stopped. The danger is cars, not bikes. American car drivers kill 35,000 people per year. Can car nuts count that high? Apparently not.
BlueBikes just crossed 25 million rides.
The dumb dangerous people
Are the new Sherriff's in town.
Get used to the idiocracy.
I take it car nuts
are like truck nuts, but smaller?
It is a bit tacky to sully
It is a bit tacky to sully the surrounds of memorial ground with anything-especially a disruptive commercial enterprise.
You mean like parking spaces and ….
…. noisy traffic?
get real
Maps can be helpful
The "Vietnam memorial" in Southie is a statue in the middle of a relatively large park. The proposed station would be outside the perimeter of the entire park... much farther away than the children's playground which is literally right next to the statue. Furthermore the park itself is surrounded by parking spaces, traffic, businesses... the idea that somehow the blue bike rack outside the park would denigrate the monument is completely laughable.
I think the point is to keep
I think the point is to keep the bright blue, bulky apparatus and the attendant activity out of the sight line of the approach to and presence of this honored space. Why does art, beauty, honor, values and tradition have to lose out to utility?
AI or not?
This is some dedicated trolling and I remain curious as to whether it is AI-generated.
I am amazed that people even bother to reply to them.
It's Russia
Yeah, that's it.
Disruptive commercial enterprise?
The bikes and stations are owned by Boston and other municipalities. They are managed by a private company but it's all public equipment.
And disruptive? What noise do they make apart from the thud of the bike being docked? A car door being closed makes about the same amount of noise.
The very loud clank when a
The very loud clank when a bike is inserted into a dock is my only concern with putting BlueBike stations in residential areas. It's much more disruptive than a car door or engine starting up, or the sound of locking a private bike for that matter. I could not deal with hearing it outside my window at all hours of the day and night.
The solution is to redesign the docks so they're quieter.
I don’t agree it is louder.
I don’t agree it is louder.
And you’re not likely to hear it outside your window at all hours of the night.
Unlike motor vehicle noises plus fumes which will likely pass through your window into your lungs. Be grateful bikes don’t give you diseases.
one of many memorials
This isn't the big Vietnam War memorial in Washington, D.C., which veterans, and the families of the dead, visit and leave mementos.
This is just one of many memorials to people who died fighting in previous wars. A lot of them are located next to busy streets, full of car, truck, and bus traffic, and nobody seems to mind that.
All about more Blue Bike
All about more Blue Bike stations even though I refuse to ride a bike in Southie for my own safety. But the memorial is an objectively terrible place for one. It’s in the center of a large park. You have to walk a ways to get to it or get to anything useful (like the bus stop) from it. Seems like a pretty dumb thing to argue about. Just put the station on Broadway.
Oh, when?!
“When are you going to start enforcing the rules of the road?”
Must be new here. Traffic laws aren’t enforced for cars, parking laws aren’t enforced for cars, traffic laws aren’t enforced for bikes or motor bikes… the smart money is on never.
Ha, yeah this is the
Ha, yeah this is the neighborhood that declared double parking part of their heritage and enforcing parking rules would be sacrilege.
This would have happened in
This would have happened in old Southie.
Whitey would have kept
Whitey would have kept BlueBike stations out of Southie.
Man these people need to stop clutching their pearls because they are holding them so hard, they are making their hands bleed.
Sheeesh. The anti-bike brigade is alive and well in Southie.
There are two Capital BikeShare docks near the Vietnam memorial
in Washington, DC.
This is dumb even for NIMBYs
Odd that there was no mention of intrepid city councilors Ed Flynn and Erin Murphy. This meeting would seem to be tailor-made for them.
Attempted "othering" of cyclists is stupid.
Families ride bikes.
Kids ride bikes.
Seniors ride bikes.
Veterans ride bikes.
Bottom line: Anything that replaces motor vehicle traffic also increases safety and decreases congestion, benefitting EVERYONE (including the NIMBYs) in all communities.
Ma citizens must stop devaluing each other.
There are virtues to the arguments against putting a BlueBike service station in the surrounds of a park memorial space.
The fact that just about everyone (the dominant voice and power in Ma) is denigrating and running roughshod over other’s views instead of recognizing and seeing and understanding our fellow citizens even if we don’t agree.
I’m sorry. Could you say that again?
I wasn’t listening.
I tuned out this probably-a-bot, professional
concern troll a few days after it started posting here. It's probably hard to summon up that much whiney, hollow sanctimony without the help of generative AI.
Well there already is a blue bike station 2.5 blocks away at the BPL. In the back side of the park along East 1st and the Tommy butler corridor/ trail would be a good spot especially once the former Edison plant goes live down the road.
Ban 'em!
They're all girl bikes, which is obviously a woke fascist feminazi plot against men!
But they are blue!
Not pink. Some gender bending going on here.
I’d rent a BlueBike if I
I’d rent a BlueBike if I could use my transportation benefit card directly.
No one should be compelled to surrender personal information to download an app, nor be forced to download an app to engage with anything let alone a city-managed/provided common good.
You don't have to use the app
You can get a RFID FOB (I still have mine) and just register/book online via a browser. Then use the FOB to unlock the bike.
Unfortunately registering isn't optional, as they want you to store a payment method, plus agree to a ToS. They are giving you a bike, you may not return it. Having a payment method on file and you agreeing to their ToS insures that you will return it or be charged for the bike. It makes sense to register and store a payment method.
Even if they offered ApplePay/Google Pay RFID payments at the bike racks (with a hefty charge if the bike isnt returned), Bluebikes would still hold onto your card number (or the virtual card number AP/GP generate) for the duration of your trip at least. They may keep it longer than that for accounting or metric purposes. Your payment info even if just the card number still links back to you.
Remember the issue with providing personal information or using an app isn't so much that you have to do it, its how your data is used and stored, and how the app interacts with the rest of your phone. And considering this is a public-private venture, the amount of spying or data sharing that goes on vs other apps and services is far less because the state is involved. Poo poo the state all you want, but generally the state won't sell your data or data mine you.
“ Poo poo the state all you
“ Poo poo the state all you want, but generally the state won't sell your data or data mine you.”
As long as we remain a democracy.
Thank you for explaining all that in a way that makes sense to the average person. I have my own bike but sometimes a Blue Bike would come in handy.
Thanks and you're welcome.
And yeah you are right.. if we remain in a democracy. But I'd like to think we are somewhat insulated here in MA.
Regardless, one thing I did want to add is that for a payment you *can* use a prepaid credit card (bluebike's website say so) so you can be somewhat anonymous with your payments. Use a dummy email and a prepaid and its as anonymous as you will get.
It looks like you can only
It looks like you can only use a prepaid card if you qualify for the income-eligible plan.
It makes sense not to allow them. Otherwise, anyone could buy a $20 card, rent a bike, and keep it, thereby avoiding the $1200 lost bike fee.
Sounds like a good way to
Sounds like a good way to never see the bikes again.
A Blue Bike will make for a
A Blue Bike will make for a great space saver, assuming we actually see snow this winter. I'm old enough to remember when we had white Thanksgivings.
Since when do the space savers…
… actually wait for snow?