Above: Channel 4 attempts to educate its audience about our latest crisis without giving them the vapors.
Oh, the horror! The Dig runs a cover showing crudely drawn cartoons of naked people and our little provincial backwater goes all to hell. As Channel 4 reports:
"It's totally irresponsible to have a photo like this in a paper that's widely distributed around our city," Menino said. "Young children can see it. It's not what we should be showing our young people."
Right. So keep them out of the MFA. Because you sure wouldn't want them to see this or this or this or this (and could somebody tell the mayor that a cartoon is not a photo?).
And we don't even need to bring up this scandalous statue - just a short walk from the children's room at the Copley Square BPL!
But Hizzona also wants to try to get Dig honor boxes uprooted from locations near city buildings - because you know how productivity must be suffering, what with frenzied hordes of Assessing and DPW workers racing out of their offices in a mad dash to Dig boxes.
Below: The shocking cover. If you're under 18, or are prone to inexplicable bouts of screaming hysteria, or are the mayor, stop looking now!