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Everybody's favorite mute candidate on the ballot again this year

David Bernstein alerts us that David James Wyatt, who ran for mayor last year on a platform of saying virtually nothing, has collected enough signatures to get on the ballot against state Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz in the 2nd Suffolk district this fall.

In a mayoral debate last year, Wyatt said he is a pro-life Republican.



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If politicians were to follow the motto of doctors "do no harm" by doing nothing than this guy would win in a landslide.

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"Never write if you can speak; never speak if you can nod; never nod if you can wink."

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...to keep you mouth closed and have people wonder if you're an idiot than open it and remove all doubt.

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Seems to work well for Clarence Thomas.

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The Ron Swanson of Boston municipal politics is back. I love it.

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