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Anchors aweigh in the Chestnut Hill Reservoir
By adamg on Fri, 05/11/2018 - 9:18am
Rory Nolan watched boats being lifted into the Chestnut Hill Reservoir this morning so crews can try to fight the dreaded cyanobacteria, a.k.a. blue-green algae, which is toxic to people and dogs.
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I've been around the reservoir many times but I guess I never noticed there was not a single "service" dock or launch of any kind. Funny that they need to use cranes to get boats in. And strange that they did not just carry in [by hand] a couple of double/triple seat kayaks instead.
I guess it would be tough getting it out
That boat doesn't look so heavy that it couldn't be slid down the side, but I bet it'd be a bitch getting it back up.
Werner Herzog showed it could be done in "Fitzcarraldo."
The crane does seem like overkill
If there were a launching ramp or easily accessible dock, the reservoir would be full of boats, signs to the contrary notwithstanding. But still, that's quite a crane for a little skiff.
The boats have large tanks in them, to release chemicals (e.g. aluminum sulfate) into the water. A kayak would be too tippy, tank you very much.
It was supposed to be a three hour tour, so
forget the pollution and help rescue those people.
Reason for "No Dock"
The reservoir is "no boat". They do not want people launching things or hanging around on the dock tossing ciggies and dunks cups and nips in the water.
Reservoir rules.
This comment is unintentionally hysterical.
Proof that people with zero idea of what is going on will weigh in and criticize public infrastructure projects. Your comment could not have been more I’ll informed and smacks of knee jerk “omg the govnernment is so stupid!” sentiment that detracts from the real situations where the government fucks up and deserves to be called to account.
So thanks again for encouraging officials to put regular people in the pay no mind camp.
Has anyone (Adam?) noticed that the water in Jamaica Pond seems really murky these days?