but they are probably the same guys who said the connector to the ted williams tunnel was safe to use, and we know how that ended. I think I will use route 2 to get to 128 instead of the pike until they sort this one out.
Route 2 is the worst highway ever between 495 and 128/95...it could easily be a great way to alleviate traffic on the pike as well as the corridor between 93 and the pike on 128. but no, it has *traffic lights*, *gigantic left hand turn*, and of course, a *ROTARY*
I should believe the turnpike engineers
but they are probably the same guys who said the connector to the ted williams tunnel was safe to use, and we know how that ended. I think I will use route 2 to get to 128 instead of the pike until they sort this one out.
Route 2 is the worst highway
Route 2 is the worst highway ever between 495 and 128/95...it could easily be a great way to alleviate traffic on the pike as well as the corridor between 93 and the pike on 128. but no, it has *traffic lights*, *gigantic left hand turn*, and of course, a *ROTARY*
Yup--that particular part of Route 2 is bad, but I still think
that the SouthEast Expressway is just as bad, if not worse, as it has long been. Rotaries drive me up a wall too. (lol)