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More than 1,000 march past BPD headquarters in march against police brutality

Protest against police brutality

WBZ reports on a march Wednesday evening.

Boston Police thanked participants in the peaceful march.



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You might enjoy watching this video called Context for Black Lives Matter https://youtu.be/eaEeEbP16Wg

Why not march outside a bad department, or the state house?

This isn't just about protesting problems; this is also about creating the police-community relationship that contributes to fewer problems. A protest is a situation with potential for friction, but it's also a great opportunity to demonstrate a good working relationship, and to develop people's trust in that relationship, both police and citizens. If it goes well, and it sounds like this one does, it ends with better faith between all parties.

police-community relationship that contributes to fewer problems

No data backs this up. It's all leftist gobbledygook that wastes police resources and gives power to "community organizers" who, if truth be told, speak for themselves and not the community.

All I know is that I live in Boston, which isn't seeing people gunned down by police, except in cases where they fired first.

And do you actually know any community organizers?

Need I say more?

yes, you do

"except in cases where they fired first."

lol, no. Police have and will continue to engage people before they ever fire a shot. Waiting for a person to shoot at you is a good way to get dead.

"community organizers"

Somebody blow a dogwhistle? Where's my treat?

I dunno, crankypants, you might ask some police departments. At least some of them are trying them, based not on that fuzzy pinko lib'rul thinking but on the hard realization that they really can't function as an occupying military force.

i believe this whole controversy is more about class than race. That being said both sides showed a lot of class last night.

To pick up an application to be a cop?

If not, Commissioner Brrown in Dallas wants a word with you.


Why be part of the solution you so desperately want to see when you can just complain about it!

You're suggesting the only recourse to wanting to stop police violence is to become a police officer?

I want my government to fill potholes. Does that mean I have to go work for the DPW?

If you were - and you had 1000 people join you - I'd have to question why with all that manpower you didn't just grab some asphalt and shovels.

That's a lot of human effort to protest something that nobody thinks is a major problem where we live. BPD is starving for good applicants - especially minorities and those with language skills. Got to imagine in that 1000 people there were a couple of good people in need of good jobs that they obviously think they can do better than the 2000 odd men and women that are out there making life and death split-second decisions every day.


...or we could change the laws that makes it almost impossible to fire an officer who uses excessive force and/or have the attorney generals office be responsible to review police-involved homicides to obviate the DA/PD conflict of interest.

I would like to see a civilian complaint review board..

No system is perfect - but it would be nice in certain cases to have those that serve us actually be accountable to we the people on occasion. Lots of other cities have this -and it seems to work for them - which makes me question why we fight it so hard here. Not that I think there are a lot of problems - but we can always do better.

I'm guessing this only means something to you, but I'm also guessing you think we're supposed to know what this means.

In response to the IANAL (I am not a lawyer) crowd that's been posting out here a bit lately.

Since you asked -



On other lists we've often played the Guess the Acronym game. A personal favorite was YMMV: You Make Me Vomit.

I always thought this was "your mileage may vary".

It's just more fun to play a game with it and come up with silly versions. Kind of like trying to 'read' license plates when they seem like they're acronyms or abbreviations.


yeah, over the top but ...

You just compared ISIS to the BPD.

In the words of HRC, delete your account.

The demand is simple. If you're a public servant, actually serve the public. Years ago, when civilians were shot by cops in Boston, the excuse was a so-called "warning shot" gone wrong until the police were specifically banned from doing that.

Police in Boston have been very professional for the most part. I have questions about the way some murder investigations have been conducted, but those will get sorted out eventually.

As far as Chief Brown, I was very impressed by him and the Mayor of Dallas in the wake of the sniper attack and upon learning their efforts to actively engage the community to great success. But, it's very instructive about police culture that the rank and file were trying very hard to get Brown fired.

Was your retort to Verizon workers striking and complaining about the CEO compensation to just pick up an application for CEO?

Fox's , er , I mean Channel 5's alleged journalist, Maria Stephanos reported "a couple a hundred" protesters as the helicopter camera clearly showed a lot more than that. It looked like more that a thousand to me, but definitely a lot more than 200.

Taxpayers a lot of money. Boston doesn't have a police brutality issue, what it does have is a protest issue.

Read it.

Shutting down roadway have to do with freedom of speech or your right to peacefully assemble?

There are plenty of places to protest while not impending on others rights of free movement.

Like I said, RTFA! Nothing in there about "in the most cost effective way possible" or "such that it doesn't inconvenience some Special Snowflake".

Nothing like that.

Of course, a Tory like you would have whined about "all that tea is in the waaaaaayyyyyyy" or "Crispus' body ruined my commute!"

Your right to free speech ends at the point you impact the rights of others. Denying freedom of movement to others in a deliberate fashion is in fact a denial of another persons rights. Blocking highways etc is not protected speech, just criminal.

There is no right to drive.

Does that mean I can have you arrested for jamming up the roadways at rush hour? This was just rush hour with humans not in cars.

Deal with it. Grow up. Get over yourself.

If you are deliberately attempting to stop someone from moving you have violated their rights. Freedom of movement is a human right.

Getting into a car accident is quite a different circumstance than blocking the highway with barrels filled with concrete and an attached jigglypuff. Malice is needed.

You could get out and walk. Hatch your eggs, and all that.

Anon is right - there is no right to be moving in a car, and no requirement that those not in cars move out of your way.

Look it up

Look it up

" The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon in the ordinary course of life and business is a common right which he has under his right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right in so doing to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day; and under the existing modes of travel includes the right to drive a horse-drawn carriage or wagon thereon, or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purposes of life and business. It is not a mere privilege, like the privilege of moving a house in the street, operating a business stand in the street, or transporting persons or property for hire along the street, which a city may permit or prohibit at will.

The exercise of such a common right the city may, under its police power, regulate in the interest of the public safety and welfare; but it may not arbitrarily or unreasonably prohibit or restrict it, nor may it permit one to exercise it and refuse to permit another of like qualifications, under like conditions and circumstances, to exercise it."

Nice quote - where'd you get it/make it up?


Thompson v.Smith SCOTUS.

Hoe does it feel to fail so hard?

Nice try, but that ain't in the constitution.

Cute opinion piece, though. You going to use it when complaining about all those other people in your way on the road blocking your rights? or just black people walking.

That opinion piece is from SCOTUS. That makes it the law of the land.

You lose.

Thompson v.Smith

it's true, police could give them all tickets for jay walking or even arrest them for refusing to comply with police orders. That's how Baton Rouge PD handled it. Have you seen the videos?

BPD consistently permits organized marches to march in the street and seeks to protect safety and 1st amendment rights.

As a citizen you have ever right to petition govt to change their approach.

If you think civil protest is too inconvenient and expensive, consider the alternative.

The previous anon's comment didn't mention anything about inconvenience. Cost is something that the city of Boston has to consider. Or maybe you haven't noticed that public transportation and public education could use additional funding? Public transportation and public education benfeits all people of Boston including those protesting. Think about it.

Or maybe you haven't noticed that public transportation and public education could use additional funding? Public transportation and public education benfeits all people of Boston including those protesting.

Your "suggestion" sounds like a good one, until you take a look at how budgets actually work. Not that I'm any expert myself, but I think it would take more than a little sleight of hand to redirect unspent public safety budget money from the City of Boston into the operating fund of the MBTA.

Whatever became of that off-duty cop who threw that guy to the ground a few weeks ago because his car got tapped with an umbrella while he was almost running him over? Is that all the way under the rug or is the investigation proceeding?

I missed this one. Got more info?

The crowd was very well-behaved and the police very professional. This is what peaceful protest is all about.

Before anyone starts preaching like they know what they're talking about, do some research on when deadly force is authorized. Weapon, opportunity, actions. So, don't lunge at the police with a knife. Also, drop the gun when told to. I suspect many of you just have a bias against police officers. Some are just uninformed and prone to following the crowd. Either way, arm yourself with correct information before you go off the rails against cops (most of whom are doing the right thing). But, this is Boston after all. So a logical and reasoned debated that deviates from the standard dogma probably isn't allowed.

I posted my card too soon. I forgot some of the old standards. "Following the crowd." Boston as great liberal orthodoxy. A lecture on when use of force is legally permitted, absent any context whatsoever. Accusations of anti-police bias. A blanket statement that anyone who disagrees with you is uninformed.

Pray continue, gentle sir, to educate us poor unwashed masses about the proper time and place for the police to act as summary judge, jury, and executioner. Surely we can absorb at least the faintest whiff of the wisdom you exude from your every pore.

When having a gun pointed at you, for example? Or being shot at? Or being rushed with a knife?

Don't forget buying a toy gun in Walmart.

That's right: change the narrative. Throw a fit. Typical.

What part of that was hard for you to understand? I'd be happy to break down any part of that so that you understand, though I'm not sure how much more elementary I could make it.

- Complying with officer's request for your license and registration (while black)
- Laying on your stomach with arms out to your side during an arrest (while black)
- Walking away from an officer (while black)
- Playing with a toy gun in a park (while black)

It is soon followed by narrative collapse.

What narrative? What are you talking about? The videos of these incidents are out there. These things are happening.

But you don't care about that. You just hate those who serve.

Cops kill white people too, so racial bias and systemic racism clearly no longer exist! WOOHOO!

The article mentioned a man shot while attacking police with a knife, and another who refused to drop their gun when ordered to do so. I was addressing those situations specifically. So you protesters just want cops to be killed and injured. Got it. They're not allowed to defend themselves. Got it.

Meanwhile, some police departments are showing how it is done


Sorry, but "failure to worshipfully fellate any/all cops" is simply not the same as "wanting cops to get killed/injured" or "hating people who serve".

Most adults can handle these distinctions without head explosions or temper tantrums.

No discussion about anything remotely relating to the police isn't the same without your cop hating, military hating ass showing up. It's like you can sniff it out like a dog to shit. You're not the standard issue moron I usually deal with, so I'm a bit surprised that you haven't gotten your head around my three simple words: weapon, opportunity, actions. That is what I'm addressing. I know you spend your time pissing on those who served (even though you yourself claim to have served. And on a side note, we're all elated that you stopped polluting our ranks with your shitbaggery), but seriously...it's a simple concept. Get your shit together.

Or just being a smarta**? All DOJ/FBI statistics, and a recent well known study released by a black Harvard professor, show there is zero correlation between a person's skin color and whether they get shot, tased,etc. by police, in fact proportionately more whites vs blacks have been killed by police. I'm white and grew up in shitty neighborhoods in NYC and Boston, among 'white trash', [or dates N word], so called Hispanics and trust me I never received preferential treatment by police because I am white.

The real issue here in America is CLASS....not skin color or ethnicity, and to an extent gender. But since leftist in America long ago decided to demonize whites, especially white males [hate is stronger than love and is used as a rallying tactic to keep the useful idiots radicalized, by hate mongers and radicals of every persuasion] even destitute, marginalized whites.

I'd like to see these stats, this study, etc.

Not taking your word for it.

for anyone who wants to read it (I have not so have no opinion on it):


If it is on the internet it MUST be true.


What if you are deaf or don't speak English?


Top right, bottom left, and a couple others could be argued.

Left center

erik g, maybe this is a joke to you, but many of us take the issue of racism seriously

I don't think you understand just who he is making fun of.

I guess you think mocking the racial issues in this country by making a bingo card game is amusing... many of us do not. I guess you don't understand that this is not a joke.

No matter how much you far left activists try, you can't kill freedom of speech.

You activist types really don't have a sense of humor about anything, do you (unless it's being snarky about people who choose to serve their community/country instead of bitching for a living/hobby).

"Not a legitimate racist" - e.g. it's probably a liberal doing it to stir the pot, or a troll doing it for shock value.

Does anyone else find it strange that the "Day" of Rage, scheduled for Friday, begins at night? Shouldn't it be "Night of Rage"?

You want them to commit criminal acts in broad daylight? They may be stupid, but they aren't that stupid.

While the headline read it marched past bpd headquarters they also marched past a few other places and this isnt about whether we have those same issues here, we dont NOW! But yes our police force specifically has come a long way however some of the same issues we use to have is still happening accross the united states so while they did march past bpd headquarters it was more symbolic in a way that it showed unity to let the other states know that we stand with them and that we recognize and support the need for change within the police departments and local policing for those cities across the nation that are still dealing with these issues... again not saying black lives matter means all lives dont and F the police... in any job there are people who suck and break rules and everything else and they are terminated when you become an officer you are trained to handle specific situations and race should never be a factor... and its blatant racism, officers killing black people based on their own beliefs and regard despite following protocol to handle the situation appropiately

Passion and reason together - good stuff!

But I'm out of breath reading it. You wrote almost two hundred words, but used just four pieces of punctuation - and three of them were ellipses!

Please consider a quick copyedit next time to break things up into sentences and paragraphs. I guarantee that you'll make an even better impression on your readers.