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Man suffers life-threatening injuries when hit by a bus at Forest Hills

An MBTA bus turning left out of the lower busway at Forest Hills hit a pedestrian shortly before 11:55 a.m.

In addition to police, Boston firefighters responded to get the unresponsive man out from under the bus, which they did around noon, handing him over to Boston EMS for evaluation and transportation to a local trauma center.

WCVB reports that neither Transit nor Boston Police provided a possible cause for the crash.

The road in front of the station was shut for the investigation.



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I can’t get beyond a commercial in the link.

What a horrific tragedy. I am always impressed by the busses managing that specific left turn and inching past the double parked car on the opposite corner that begrudgingly creeps forward in about a half a dozen selfish, reluctant increments until the bus can finally squeeze through only to then contend with the gauntlet ahead.

The short distance between the crosswalks at the bus entryway and exit must be inch for inch first among the top five most jaywalked spaces in Boston. Mostly, it’s teenagers who have to look tough who can’t dare be caught using the crosswalk, but there’s a fair cross section of grown ass adults who cautiously dash, carelessly saunter, or in stuporous stumble work their way across the street. Then there’s the irregular person who dashes across the street for their app taxi in blind impulsivity, or the noob who misreads and mis judges how to jaywalk here. In spite of that the crosswalks have no small number of regular users.


There is definitely camera footage that will show the unfortunate incident. That crosswalk is notorious for the MBTA buses to ignore. They love to run over the crosswalk despite there being bikers and pedestrians that have right-of-way. Then these drivers want to have attitude after we show our disdain. People love to double park there, and Transit Police loves to hide inside the station and do nothing.


I didn’t know bus drivers ignore the pedestrians in the crosswalk here, but reflecting on your words I am picturing(remembering?) pedestrians in the crosswalk with the right if way yielding to busses and the busses accepting instead of insisting the pedestrians cross as they should. I wonder what the training is on this specific point.

Could it possibly be in line with the law, maybe?

I wonder why you are still looking for a way to fault the victim.

… the majority of pedestrians are hit when crossing the street. I was nearly hit in one today on Washington St. downtown.

I jaywalk for safety and as an act of civil disobedience. Though, I note that that stretch does have a fair number of crosswalks. Even if they are not safe. Last Sat I was nearly hit in one of them. Only a “grown ass” such as yourself would be willingly blind to good reasons why people cross streets where they do.

Blame this poor victim before you know anything, why don’t ya!

Hope he recovers.

Bus drivers vary greatly in their driving skills, I’ve noticed. Most are better drivers than personal vehicle drivers.


Do you have data to back up your claim. "I was almost hit..." doesn't hold water.

Do you have any data to verify your screen name?

I jaywalk...as an act of civil disobedience.

(rolls eyes)


Get off your phone.

I do exactly that.


…. rolling my eyes.

I just believe that laws and personal responsibility also apply to me - whether walking or driving - and not just "everybody else." smh


Is that true for crosswalks even if the data is normalized?

Why are cars allowed to turn through an active crosswalk? Cars should be stopped in all four directions when crosswalks are illuminated for pedestrians.

I'm definitely not blaming the victim here, but I am giving my impression of this location. And, I should note that a ton of southbound cars blow through the red light at the northern crosswalk by the bus entrance. (Probably true of the southern crosswalk too, but I don’t observe that one as much.

I live across the street from Forest Hills and had to drive by the bus in question. Based on the yellow tape and the buses location the pedestrian appeared to be in the crosswalk during contact. Unsure if they had the walk light though.

Goddamn the asshole wizards who thought that their traffic plan would be safe. Goddamn the failure of the MBTA, City Hall, and MassDOT. This is my friend and neighbor best dog dad and green thumb who is now fighting for his life .




As someone who works in the area I can say that the bus drivers coming out of Forest Hills, especially heading towards Roslindale Square, drive like absolute maniacs. The MBTA obviously has issues with the subway lines running slow but the buses incongruously all seem to be speeding far more than is needed or safe.


The Transit Police or the Boston Police? I have seen several transit cops at station on a daily basis but I have never seen one directing traffic in the lower busway.

behave as if having the right of way makes them immortal. Yes, pedestrian vs. automobile always favors the pedestrian legally. But is that any comfort when you're pinned under a bus or become a hood ornament?

And what is this idea that pressing the walk button is unfashionable? Nobody is looking at you. At least, not until you're lying in a heap in the street, bleeding and broken.

File it under Darwinism.


…. at a crosswalk meant anything other than time to present yourself as a speed bump for the distracted drivers.

Surely you jest.
Great parody here!


If it is a signalized intersection, it means you have the right of way when you have the light.

Important distinction when screaming at cyclists who have the green light and don't want to hit you.

… at all times. It is always wrong and illegal to hit a pedestrian.
I, however, always cede it to cyclists because I wish to make cycling as easy and as pleasant as possible so as to encourage more motor vehicle-ists to use bikes. I don’t encourage speeding cyclists any more than I encourage speeding drivers.



I don't want to hit pedestrians - cyclists get hurt that way, and when I'm driving I know my place and my job. But the laws apply to those on foot, too. That means that if you don't have the light, you don't have the right of way.

…. while driving.
Got it.
You’re also one of those speed demon cyclists.
No surprise there.

doesn't mean pedestrians always have the right of way when in the street. "Right of way" is a legal not a moral term and it's not at your discretion. If it weren't for logic fallacies I don't think you could make any posts here, and you clearly don't know the basic traffic laws.

The whole situation around the station is a mess. I walk it daily - if you’re not dealing w the disaster that is the traffic around the station, you’re taking your life in your hands walking because it’s insane w crazy drivers, people double parking, buses, delivery trucks. It’s dangerous. I hope this man recovers but the bigger wish is that MBTA and the city and BPD would make it safer for everyone!!


both drivers and pedestrians pay more attention to their driving and walking because nobody's going to make things more safe for people who are lost in space.